The Meeting at Naboo

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                       Xero carefully landed the ship that he, Kloji and Wyla were flying on the surface of Naboo in the circle of Naboo starfighters that had already landed. General Kota was standing outside of one of the ships, looking up at Wyla, Kloji, and Xero's ship that was slowly landing.  When the metal plank   dropped down Kloji walked out with Wyla and Xero behind her. At first Kloji felt nervous, but then relaxed as Xero put his hand on her shoulder. "Everything will be fine," he whispers in her ear.

           Wyla walks past Xero and Kloji right up to General Kota. She looks at him then smiles. "I thought that the clones were ordered to kill all of the Generals?" Wyla says, looking suspiciously.

        "Well, in my unit, I only had militia men, not clones. I never trusted them," General Kota says, getting a far away look in his eyes.

        "Oh," she says, looking away as well. Wyla then walks back to where Xero and Kloji were still standing.

         "Um, General Kota, why were you and your fleet orbiting Naboo?" Kloji asks, still standing in the same place as to where she got off the ship.

         General Kota looks at her then shakes his head. "We were orbiting Naboo because the Queen here is hiding Jedi who have escaped the Purge. Soon, though, we will go out to deeper space and plan some small attacks on the Empire," he says, getting his confident look back in his eyes.

        "General Kota, where did you last see my brother?" Xero asks, taking a step forward towards Kota. Kota looks at him, then away, avoiding Xero's harsh stare.

       General Kota lets out a breath and sighs, "The last I heard of him, he was near Yavin, possibly on Yavin 4."

          Xero turns around and clenches his jaw tight. "I'm planning on going after him," he says, turning back to face Kota. The General's first expression is one of suprise, but he shakes his head no.

        "I can't let you do that, Xero," Kota says after a little hesitation, "I already sent out a fleet of my best mitia and they couldn't bring him back. They barely got back alive themselves."

         "Well, did you ever consider sending a Jedi after him? All you did was send Malitia Men after him, and Kloji Wyla and I are going! We have a better chance at finding him than your men because I know my brother." Xero states as he starts to head back to the ship, "And there's nothing you can do to stop me."

          After a while, Kota nods his head and says, "Fine, but, I am going to try to help you. I want some of my men to escort you there, since they know the way and they know the terrain better than you." Kota then turns to his Malitia and declares, "I want," he starts, but gets inturupted by a small group of his men.

        "Sir, if it is okay with you, my unit would like to escort them to their destination," says a man that looked to be about in his early twenties. He was tall with shaggy blond hair that he kept pushing out of his eyes.

       "Are you sure? You might not make it back from Yavin if you go," Kota says testingly. The man nods and so does other people in the crowd. "Well then, it looks like you have a crew now," Kota declares.

      "Okay, we'll let you get all of the stuff you need and then we'll leave immideatly," Xero says, walking up the metal boarding plank to the ship. Kloji and Wyla follow after saying goodbye to Kota.

        Soon everyone that was going to Yavin was aboard the ship and ready for take off. Xero, Kloji, and Wyla all sat in passenger seats as the Malitia men took the seats for the Pilots and co-pilots. After going through a check off, the small group blasted off from Naboo to head over to Yavin.


I know this chapter isn't that long, but I plan on updating it more often so  I can finish it soon!!!!!! This story is coming off of the hold list and onto my nuber one priority for the Watty Awards!!!!!!!!!

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