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*** A/N *** I'm sorry for not updating sooner!!!!!!! But fear not!!!!!! I'm gonna update this as much as I can and I must thank you all that are reading this cause I just found out that I have more than 2,500 reads on it and this is my most popular story!!!!!!

***Story Start***

Kloji looks around the ship, feeling bored. Her eyes light up as she thinks of something to make the journey to Yavin less boring. "Hey, Xero, you know that room that had all of those old droid parts?" She asks, Kloji's excitement getting the best of her.

Xero looks confused and says, "Yeah, why? Oh, wait! Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" His eyes glow and they both jump out of their seats. Kloji takes the lead and runs to the back room that looked like a mini junk yard.

"Do you think that there could be a full droid in here that still works?" Kloji asks, walking into the room. Xero shrugs and then they split up, each looking for some sort of droid. Moving a pile of junk around Kloji sees a protocol droids arm and then gets excited. "Even if there's only an arm," she thinks, "We might be able to make a droid out of all of the scrap here." She then starts to pull on the arm but it wouldn't budge from where it was in a pile. Seeing as she would get nowhere soon she starts to move everything in the pile. As the pile starts to clear up Kloji notices that the arm isn't just an arm but it's attatched to a full droid! "Xero! Come here!"

"What is it Kloji?" Xero asks as he appears from behind a large pile. He sees the grin on Kloji's face then turns and sees the droid. "Wow! You found a droid! Cool! Do you think it will work?" He questions.

All Kloji does is shrug and state, "I don't know. I never was really good with mechanical stuff..." she trails off as she remembers once with her Master. Master Jaina had tried to show her how to fix a droid, which ended up with an explosion and Kloji being covered from head to toe in black soot. Kloji giggles slightly but then feels her chest tighten at the memory and how her Master wasn't with her anymore.

"Hm, well..." Xero and Kloji jump as Wyla's voice comes from right next to them. She laughs then continues on, "It looks like the droid's pretty much all here, except some coverings and that, he should work!"

"Really?! We should try it out!" Kloji exclaims. Xero nods his head and so Wyla walks over to it and pushes something. The droids eyes light up and it straightens itself out from its previous slumped position. "It works!"

"Hello. I am C4BO," the droid says sort of choppily. All three padawans grin at each other then turn back to the confused looking protocol droid. "Oh my, where could Master Collon and Master Serena be?" C4 asks.

Xero stiffens when he hears Master Collon's name, his eyes turning hard and his face tightening as he visibly tried to keep from growing mad, "What do you mean?"

C4 turns his body to Xero and answers, "Well, sir, I am their droid, of course! I must return to them!" Xero, hearing the answer, turns around quickly with his cloak making a swooshing sound, and exits the room without another word.

Wyla turns away as well but doesn't leave like Xero. Kloji sighs quietly, "I'm sorry, but, Master Collon has, well, he's dead."

C4 stops his jabbering about random things. "Master Collon is, dead?" The droid repeats. Kloji nods her head slowly, her blond hair bobbing back and forth. "Oh my, but, how did he die?"

Kloji freezes and looks away, "He saved me." Wyla looks up from the metal ground at which she was looking at.

"C'mon Kloji, let's go back. C4, if you wanna come you can," Wyla says, smiling weakly.

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