A Suprise for the Padawans

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As Kloji slowly walked down the metal hallway leading to the back of the ship to the place where she assumed the unknown tresspaser was, her mind kept wandering back to what she had seen at the Temple. Everything had been destroyed, like the room of a hundred fountains. That small, out door, peaceful room had been her favorite in all of the Temples vast rooms. Kloji remembred the large decorated room where all of the Jedi's archives had been. All of the events that had happened over the centuries. She couldn't believe that it had all been demolished and burnt down. She had seen so many Jedi try to fight, try to make it through the destruction of the Temple.

Kloji then sees a flash back of a younger padawan running away from a squadren of clones that had been chasing him. She had seen Senator Bail Organa on a speeder, watching the boy run towards him. Kloji still remembered his blue eyes flashing as bright as his lighsaber when he almost made it away from the Temple. She had wanted so bad to jump from the ship to help him, to get him away from the terror of the event that was happening, but she had been too late. When kloji turned around to tell Wyla, the boy, she now knew as Zett Jukassa, had been shot and killed. All that ran through Kloji's mind at that moment was that she hadn't saved him, that it was her fault that another fellow Padawan had died. Then, she saw Bail Organa barely make it out alive with his life. After that, Kloji had told Wyla that she could barely stand to see any of this happen, so they flew higher in the atmosphere.

She didn't realize it, but Kloji had been crying while she thought of the horrific events of that day. Kloji wiped away her tears and started walking faster towards the sound that was coming from the back of the ship. When she neared the sound she heard a voice shout out, making Kloji jump. There was a door in-between her and the voice. As she got closer she could hear it better. It clearly belonged to a boy, because it sounded rougher and a little deeper too. Kloji then pressed the round red button to open the door. The door then slid open, revealing a room full of spare parts and scrap pieces anywhere from droid arms to a ships fuel gauge. Then, behind all of the junk, Kloji saw a pair of ice blue eyes gazing at her. All of a sudden the person jumped up from behind the pile of broken droids and landed in front of her. Now that she could see him, she saw that he was slightly taller than her with black shaggy hair, and a muscular frame. Also, in his hands he held a green lightsaber. She looked at him in awe, then almost choked. "Are, are you a Padawan too?" Kloji stuttered, seeing his Padawan's braid.

He eyed her suspiciously, "Yes, I asume you are too, hence the braid." He then turned off his lightsaber, clipping it back onto his belt. "So, you escaped the Temple," he said looking her in the eyes.

"Well, me and my friend Wyla. Oh, and my names Kloji," she said, exstending her small hand.

"My, names Xero Jakira, and its a pleasure to meet you, Kloji," Xero replied, taking her small hand in his larger one. "Well, now that I know who you are, what can I do to help," Xero said, walking towards the dorr.

Kloji couldn't help but feel a wave of relief wash over her, knowing that Wyla and herself wouldn't be the only Jedi in the galaxy. Knowing that Xero had lived through the Purge, she felt a new hope swell up inside her.

The Jedi Purge: The Terror in a Padawan's EyesWhere stories live. Discover now