Chapter 3

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It's a warm, bright day today. There's a gentle breeze making the trees sway a little.

I slowly walk the sidewalks of my neighborhood. I'm in no rush at all, I think it would be awkward showing up early on the first day, since I don't really know anyone at that school except for Adri and Mitch.

The neighborhood is dead quiet today, making my footsteps sound loud. You'd think since it's basically the first day of school for everyone, this neighborhood would be all over the place. Well, not really, not now.

As I walk up the quiet neighborhood a little more, I hear a voice . My eyes dart to where I heard the voice, and it's further ahead of me. I continue my slow pace of walking, when I come to realize that the voice I was hearing was a guy's voice.

I try not to become noticed as I try to figure out who this guy is talking to, so I cross the street and walk on the opposite sidewalk, and pull out my iPhone. I stand there, pretending to be texting someone. I look over to the other side of the sidewalk, and he isn't looking at me, thank god, but after awhile, I catch myself staring at him.

He's a really cute guy, and he looks to be around my age. He looks to me like he's on the phone with his friend, or something. The slow breeze moves his golden brown hair around a little, giving me the impression that it's really soft. He has light skin, like me, and has a bit of stubble outlining his jaw. It actually suits him. From far away, I can't really tell what his eye color is, but it looks to me like a hazy gray, light green, or light blue. I'd have to get a good look at them close up, but like that's ever going to happen.

His voice is muffled from here, but I hear him saying "Yeah, bro. He only tried to do that to get on Brittany's good-side, if you know what I mean..." His voice is so... so.. I don't even know what it is, but I find it amazing.

Brittany? I wonder who she is. Oh lord, I'm such a stalker. I need to stop eavesdropping or I never will. 

As I'm putting my iPhone away, He spots me, and I pick up the pace of my walking to avoid any embarrassment that could happen to me.

I just really hope he didn't see me that whole time.

Wow, it's the first day of college and I'm already crushing on someone I don't even know.

~ Jeremy's P.O.V ~

"Yeah, bro. He only tried to do that to get on Brittany's good-side, if you know what I mean..." I say to my friend Josh. His friend Matt was hitting on his crush, who he was going to ask out today. Her name is Brittany, and I guess you could say she was really popular. She was a cheerleader with blonde hair and big boobs. That's why all the guys like her, but I'm not like that. I believe that there is so much more potential to a girl than just boobs. Some guys need to really grow up. Of course I wouldn't say that to Josh, 'cause he's one of my closest bros, if you get what I mean.

I suddenly see this girl across the street. My eyes widen. I thought this neighborhood didn't really have any chicks.

She has wavy brown hair, and... and.. Damn! I'd like to get to know her better. If she's not a bitch like Brittany, who long ago I used to like too, but I'm pretty sure every guy did or does, then she's definitely my type. A girl can be really pretty, but really catty. For me, well, that's just not what I'm looking for. But, if she's nice, and has a great personality then... wow!

I hope she goes to Riverwood. I really hope she does.

"Yeah, uhh dude I gotta go, we can hang later today, if you still wanna talk about it or something."

"Alright dude I'll let you know, but I think I'm good, thanks."

"Alright, bye, good luck with her bro." I hang up my phone and head out the door to Riverwood.

I just can't stop thinking about that girl. That one girl out of everyone. Just her.

 ~ Hollie's P.O.V ~

As I reach the doors to Riverwood, the outside of the school looks empty, but as I pull the heavy metal doors, I'm amazed. There are so many people at this college. I walk a bit up the halls, eyeing the people, lockers, and open classrooms. For me, well, looks like I'm going to have a hard time finding Adriana, or even my first class. I haven't even looked at my schedule ye-

SHIT! I forgot to print my schedule!! I feel heat rising off of my skin. I let out a huge sigh, and I'm literally almost about to cry, because I can't really go home and get it, I'll be late on the first day, when I suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder.I look up, and nearly jump.

A/N : Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I kinda left you with a cliffhanger this time, haha! Stay tuned for chapter 4 to find out who tapped on Hollie's shoulder. ;)

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