Chapter 7

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The well kept man approached his lord once more. The Monster took in his reluctance to report and growled. He knew what was coming. Failure. Once more, these ridiculous creatures couldn't even complete the simple task of capturing some Earth girl and a powerless Guardian.

"My Lord," the well kept man managed to keep his voice even, "I'm sorry to report that the Tagoo battalion that we sent to Earth has taken heavy losses."

"Was it the boy?" the Monster asked, straining to keep his temper in check. It wouldn't do to take out the messenger.

"No, my lord," the well kept man brought up a holo-screen. "It was the female."

The image that appeared was of the same female child he had ordered the Tagoos to capture, but her appearance had changed slightly. The video played, starting with the image of the female surrounded by the Tagoo squadron. A flash of yellow light and a wave of energy ripped through the squadron. After a moment, the entire squadron fell to their knees.

"What is this?" the Monster demanded.

"It seems that the female was somehow able to take overwhelm the Tagoos' simple minds and take control of their will," the well kept man stated before the video began to loop, restarting to the beginning.

"Impossible," the Monster snarled. "The Shard does not possess such power."

"That's the thing," the well kept man brought up a chart beside the looping video. "There is more at work in this female than just the Shard's power. Something else is using the Shard's power as an amplifier for some sort of psychic attack that takes over the motor functions and thought processes."

"What next?" the Monster moaned, rubbing his head, "What of the boy? Have they at least been able to locate him?"

"No, my lord. He had not used any of his abilities. We have not been able track his essence."

"The Tagoos begin to ware out my patience," the Monster stood from his seat before stalking out of the room, the well kept man following behind closely. "Prepare my ship, I shall do the job myself."


"Who are you?" Leo demanded as he faced off against Hyper-April. He could hear the battle sounds behind him as Raphael and Casey took out the little alien creatures that she mind-controlled.

"What do you mean?" the white-haired girl responded innocently. "I'm your friend."

"You're not her!" Leo lunged forward, stabbing at her shoulder. A clang of metal on metal rang as Hyper-April deflected the blade with a familiar tessen, the metal fan glinting dangerously in the low light.

"Leo, Leo, Leo," the two-toned voice taunted. "You would strike me down in cold blood? And after everything we've through."

"You are not April!" Leo exclaimed before launching into a series of slashes and jabs, side stepping and deflecting, that was met with equal ferocity from the imposter. They were evenly matched, or at least they seemed to be.

"I may not be April O'Neil," Hyper April said, deflecting a swipe at her leg, "but this is still her body. Hurt me, and you hurt her."

Leo growled and spun away, putting distance between them.

"I don't need to hurt you to beat you," Leo replied, sheathing one of his katana and gripping the remaining one in both hands.

"Let's see you try," she taunted.

A puff of purple flared up as Leo broke a smoke bomb and melted into the shadows. Hyper-April smiled at the pitiful attempt. She stood still and unmoving as she tracked Leo's presence through the darkened parking lot.

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