Chapter 13

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"I'm home," Jay called as he walked into his apartment later the next morning. He'd made the trip topside alone, opting to leave the Shard in the protective custody of the turtles, where Kape could help Donatello with preparations for the upcoming battle, thought she was loath to be separated from her Guardian after finally being reunited. 

"Jay Cogen," a woman with long dark hair pulled into a tangled pony tail called as she stomped into the room.

"Oooo, you're in trouble," a girl about twelve with the same dark hair taunted from the doorway of her room. Jay glared at his sister who ducked back into her room and closed the door, but he knew she would be listening closely.

"Hi, mom," Jay said as the woman in question stood before him.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was?" she demanded before throwing her arms around her son.

"Sorry mom," Jay said returning the hug. "I should have called sooner."

"And next time you decide to stay out, you will," she pulled away with her hands on her hips and a stern look on her face. But the frown broke into a smile as she took in her son. "So how was it? You're finally making friends?"


"It's just, you never seemed to get too close to any other kids your age before."


"So . . ." she ruffled his hair, "I think you're starting to grow up."

"Seriously?" Jay asked flattening out his hair again. "I'm not turning ten, mom."

"Get cleaned up," she replied with a wave of her hand as she walked into the kitchen. "I've got some breakfast for you before you head out again."

Without another word, Jay slipped into his room and closed the door. The space was small and cluttered, and should really be cleaned, but he had more important things on his mind.

He dumped his backpack onto the ground, adding to the mess and opened his closet. He shuffled around boxes until he found the one he was looking for at the very bottom where he hid it. He dragged it out and placed it on his bed, but the creaking of the door opening made him freeze, then spin around to confront the intruder.

"Sarah!" Jay exclaimed as he spied the set of eyes peering through the doorway. "Go away!"

"Oh, come on," his sister chided as she slipped into his room and taunted, "You got in trouble."

"I did not," Jay said, turning his back to her.

"Did too," she inspected him closely. "So what were you doing out so late?"

"Fighting aliens," Jay admitted, rolling his eyes.

Sarah scoffed. "Yeah right. Seriously, what were you doing? Are these new friends of yours in a gang or something? Drugs? Or were you out at a bar or something?"

"No, don't be a brat."

"Then what were you doing?"

"Like I'm gonna tell you."

"If you don't, I'm gonna tell mom you were out getting drunk."

"Like she'd believe that," Jay sighed. "I was just sleeping over at a friend's house."

"Friend got a name?"

"You won't know him. Why do you care?"

"Can't I be worried about who my dear brother spends his time with?"

"You could, but you don't."

"True. . . so who is he."

Jay shook his head before shoving her out and slamming the door.

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