Chapter 9

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Everything was dark.

She couldn't see. Can't see!

It's just like when the Hyper took over.

Is it happening again? Am I stuck here? Oh God, I can't see!

Strings of yellow light appeared, swirling around her and the panic faded.

"Kape?" April called out, the darkness sucking up the sound. "Is that you?"

"Welcome to the Mental Plane," the strings of light hummed.

"Where's Jay?"

"Over here," he emerged from the dark, guided by strings of light that twirled around him and swam in front, showing him the way.

"Good, we're all here," some of the strings of light mingled around each other as Jay stepped up beside April. They swirling around the humans, protecting them from the darkness of the Mental Plane. "Now stay close, don't want to be getting lost in here. Trust me, it's a nightmare trying to get out."

"These last few days have been a nightmare," April muttered.

A few strings flitted ahead, scouting out a path while the others circled around the two humans. They followed the scouting strings and set a swift pace through the darkness.

"I expected there to be more," April said, breaking the silence.

"Hmm?" Jay glanced over, pulled from his own thoughts.

"It's just, there's nothing here. Just a black void."

"The Mental Plane gives form to the minds that are connected to it. Right now that's me, you and your friend."

"What about Kape?"

"Kape is different. She doesn't work the same way we do. She doesn't really have a physical body, so she doesn't need a mind to work as a link between body and soul. Her soul is enough to control her . . . essence, I guess you'd call it."

"Are you talking about me behind my back," the light hummed.

"You don't have a back," Jay said bluntly.

"Touché." One of the strings flicked him and he rolled his eyes. "There they are," Kape said suddenly.

April turned her attention back to the blackness ahead and gaped at what she saw.

Two sets of gates loomed in front of them, facing each other, and seeming to have come out of nowhere. One set she recognized from the last time she was on the Mental Plane. The strong metal bars crossing like the entrance to a grand estate, sturdy and firm, blocking entrance to all those who didn't belong with the shadows of rows of books and computers laying beyond.

"Those are Donnie's gates!" she exclaimed pointing to the set on the left.

"And those are yours," Jay said inspecting the other set. They were a lot less impressive than he thought they would be. A simple wooden fence with a simply locked wooden gate. It would be like walking into someone's backyard rather than their mind. It spoke of the innocence that it protected, the little girl that would play out in the yard without a care in the world. But at that moment, the little girl wasn't paying attention to her own set of gates.

"Donnie!" April yelled and ran forward.

"April, wait!" Jay reached for her but missed. The strings of light lagged behind at her sudden take off, but quickly caught up and swirled around her angrily for a moment.

"Don't do that!" The light scolded. "I told you to stay close. It may not be far, but it's too easy to get lost in here."

"Yeah, yeah, sorry," April said half-heartedly, trying to look around to swirling lights and into the space behind the gates. There were rows of computers and book shelves, just like the last time she saw it, but this time there was something new. "Donnie!"

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