Chapter 1

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Fire. That's all i saw. The buildings were on fire, the trees, wagons. Everything was burning. I stood up and looked around. "Linda!" My mom screamed. I turned around looked at her. Her legs were crushed under the roof of our house. "Mom!" I ran over and tried to lift up the wood. "Run, run before they get to you. There's a safe place behind the walls. Get there as fast as possible." She lifted her hand. "M-Mom." I looked at her. Tears rolled down my cheeks. "I love you, child." She said. Her arm fell down on the ground. I stared at her. "No.. Mom!" I screamed. A tear rolled down her eyes. The ground shook under me. I looked up and saw it. It was tall. Several feet. His mouth was huge, black hair, eyes ready to kill. I stood up and began to run. I ran out of the village. The titans stayed behind. I looked back. The titan heldt my mother in his hands, and split her in half, drinking her blood. I stared at them. My whole body being so scared. The whole village was burnt down. My home was gone, and everyone I knew was dead. The titans seemed to move away from the village. For about an hundred years we had managed to stay clear of them, and now it was gone.

When the titans were gone I snuck back to the village. There was a backpack that seemed alright. I took it and searched for something to bring. I found a notebook, a few pencils, food, clothes my size and in the ruins of a few houses, some toys. On the ground was a girl. She looked at me. I kneeled down and brushed her hair lightly with my fingers. There was a wooden stake in her chest. Around her neck was a necklace. I looked at it. It matched my birthmark. I looked at her and removed the pole. "No.." I lifted her up and hugged her. My little sister was dead. Gently I took the golden necklace and put it on me before kidding her head. "I'll revenge you." I put her gently down and walked out of the village. Tears rolled down my face. I walked, and walked, and walked. Day and night I walked. The day I reached the wall, I fell asleep behind a tree.

The ground was shaking. I opened my eyes. How long had I been here? A day, two days? I stood up and looked at the wall. A giant titan stood infront of it. This titan however didn't have skin. He jammed his knee into the wall, and it broke. I stared at him. More titans followed behind. They all attacked the city. Impossible. I had seen them going the other way, and it took me six days to get here by foot. To be fair they could walk faster, but it would've taken them at least three days. I stared at the wall and saw a hole where a human could crawl in. With every ounce of adrenaline I had, I ran in. The people in the city were evacuating. I followed everyone towards wherever they were headed. Some screamed, others cried over lost family. I ran towards what seemed to be a dock. The titans came closer, and people were eaten. I looked back, and ended up crashing into someone. That person stumbled forward. I turned around. A tall man with brown hair looked at me with anger. He lifted his fist and slammed it into my cheekbone. I stumbled back on the ground and grabbed my cheek. "She's a child!" Someone screamed. I slowly got on my feet. "Miss, follow me." A guard heldt his hand out. I slowly took it and followed him. He led me to a boat. I walked on and sat against the wall. More people got on board. A kid with black hair sat next to me. Next to him sat a girl with dark brown hair. They looked pretty tired. I leaned back and stared up.

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