Chapter 1.7

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About a year passed. Half of my memories had gotten back. One day someone grabbed me and tied a sack over my head. They carried me far. When I could finally see I had been tied up. A bunch of teens looked at me. I stared at them. "Now? What do you think?" One of them asked. I looked at my hands and tried to slide out of the ropes. "Let's see how good she fights, she's an amnesiac after all." I looked up and recognized some of them. In the background some people came. One of the tallest one's came over and looked at me. I kicked him hard. Another guy hung me up. "She can kick.." He laughed and looked at me. I grabbed the rope and kicked him in the nose before sliding myself out. Everyone looked at me. "Get her! Extra food for whoever get's her!" One of the guards said. I jumped up and heldt the rope before kicking everyone away. After about an hour everyone gave up. I jumped down. "Let the little one's try." Someone said. More of the younger one's came over. "Sure." I looked at them and started running. A few came after me. I ran as fast as I could, but suddenly stumbled into a rock. My body rolled around really quickly before I rolled hard against a tree. People stopped. I sat up and looked at them. "Now?" One of the older one's said. I slowly stood up. "Fuck off!" Someone said. The voice was familiar, but I couldn't tell who it was. A tall man with brown hair came to the front. He looked at me. That's when it hit me. A tear rolled down my cheek. "Eren." He just looked at me. I noticed Mikasa behind him, with shorter hair. My hair had grown significally. He just grabbed my wrists and turned me around. "I got her." He said and walked over to the big guys. I tried to break free, but it was impossible. The others just clapped.

As the sun set I realized Imight as well die here. They had tied me up to one of the poles. I leaned backand stared at the stars. As I closed my eyes a memory flashed infront of me. Isaw my mother being eaten by a titan. And all of a sudden every memory I everhad returned. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I tried to get out of the ropes."Mom!" I screamed. The tears kept running. "I'm coming mom! I'll save you!" Itried to hard to break free that blood ran down my wrists and arms. I screamedfor help. "MOM THERE'S A TITAN BEHIND YOU!" I screamed. "Hey!" Someone said. I kepttrying to get free. Someone grabbed my hands. I could see my mom get lifted up."Open your eyes." Someone said calmly. My breath hitched. "Linda, open youreyes." Someone touched my cheek. "M-Mom..." I blinked a few times. Tears rolleddown my cheeks. My mother getting eaten slowly faded. The tears blinded me. "Dosomething Eren." I felt my hands being loose and lifted one up. Eren touched mycheek and dried my tears. I looked into his blueish eyes. "It's alright, I gotyou." He said. I let out a shaky breath and sunk my hand. He wrapped his armsaround my waist and kissed me gently. People around us gasped. I looked at him.He pulled back and dried my tears. "Let's get you some food." He said and stoodup. I looked at him. He smiled and got me back on my feet.    

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