Chapter 3 - Nervous to Seductive

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~3rd Person POV~

"Hio, I'm going out early today, okay?" Oliver called to Yohio as he opened the front door and pulled his hood up.

"Alright, but be careful!" Yohio called back from where he was, gathering his things to start fishing early in the morning.


"Kaito! Can we take the flower girl back to the castle?!" Len jumped up from where he sat on the bed and then tugged on Mr. Shion's sleeve, blushing. "Please?"

Mr. Shion sighed heavily. "Young master, I've said over and over that the she is actually a he...."

"Wrong!" Len exclaimed, resting his hands on his hips. "And I'll prove it tonight!" With a somewhat creepy smirk, his blush darkened. "My lineage will begin today~"

Mr. Shion's eyebrow twitched slightly at that, but sighed heavily and headed out of the door with the heir trailing behind happily.

They walked around, being called out by many different stands which had already been set up for that day, but turned each one down.

"A flower—?" Oliver flinched a bit. "Ah, you're from yesterday, right? I'm sorry, did you want another?" He smiled innocently, making Len's heart almost explode at that.

Mr. Shion sighed yet again. "Would you mind accompanying us for a while?" He asked, nodding. His tone was sincere, so that he let Oliver know they were safe. "It seems that Len here has become quite the fan."

Len flinched. "Don't say that!" He hissed quietly so that only Mr. Shion would hear him.

Oliver blinked. "Um, well, where are we going...? I...I have to work, otherwise I might not be able to eat, see...." He looked away.

"Oh, don't worry. We were actually thinking of treating you for dinner. Mind talking about it on the way...?" Mr. Shion smiled and held out his hand.

Oliver hesitated. "Um...can...can I take some food back...?" He asked softly, as if he were ashamed of asking at all.

However, the butler paid no mind to it at all. "Certainly."

The boy beamed. "R-really?! T-then, um, sure...!"

How naive.... Mr. Shion thought privately, his smile faltering a bit at how trusting this...'girl' was to strangers.

Oliver walked happily next to Len, who seemed like he was going to overheat at any moment.

"Ahem...Len, why don't you explain everything to her, hm? Oh, yes, and proper introductions are in order." Mr. Shion nudged the heir a bit once again.

Len flinched. "Ah, right, um...." He paused, fidgeting slightly as he walked. "Well, first of all...I'm Len, you seem to already know that...." He laughed awkwardly, holding his hand out to Oliver.

Oliver looked at it. He smiled and took it. "I'm Oli—" The test was blurred, since Len couldn't help but turn his attention to how soft and fragile the younger blond's hand was.

"Oh! N-nice to meet you...." The heir pulled his hand away after a moment and then nodded. Oli...? It must be Olivia, then....

Oliver gazed up at where they were headed, his eye widening a bit. "U-um, not to bother or anything, but...are you sure we're heading the right way...?"

Len looked over at him and caught onto a sudden surge of confidence. "Of course!" He grinned. "After all, I am the prince~" He winked.

"E-eh?!" Oliver flinched, bowing a few times. "F-forgive me! I-I had no idea!"

"Shh!" The heir looked around and pressed a finger to his own lips. "Just follow, okay?"

Oliver, taking it more as a command than anything else, nodded and they passed the guards at the front gate once Mr. Shion was finished explaining the situation about Oliver to them.

Once they were inside, Mr. Shion apologized as he rushed to greet the king and explain everything. Len looked at Oliver from the side. "Hey," he started, slowly gaining confidence and a sort of thirst for the 'girl' as he walked down the hall with 'her', "want to hang out in my room for a while?"

Oliver flinched, his head spinning a bit as he looked down at the floor. "Ah, um, well, I mean—" He cut himself off and inhaled sharply, composing himself. "Sure...? If it's alright with you...."

Heh, caught like a fly in a spiderweb. There's no way she'll be able to refuse if I charm her now~ The heir smirked a bit to himself as he nodded, leading Oliver to his room and shutting the door behind them. "Privacy, you know?" He lied with a small chuckle.

"A-ah, yeah, I get it...." Oliver fidgeted a bit at that, growing somewhat suspicious, yet passing it off as nothing to get his mind off whatever it was set upon.

Len sat down at his desk as Oliver looked around the room with curiosity. His bed was in the far right corner from where Oliver stood by the window. Both of those were large, and he could practically see the entire village. "Wow...." He mumbled to himself in awe.

"Pretty, right?" Len smiled at him and nodded. "My sister and I were separated at birth," he suddenly said, "so I spend most of my time there wondering where she might be."

The younger flinched slightly at the sudden statement. "O-oh, d-do you...?" He laughed a bit nervously, as if he was uncomfortable.

Len noticed, and then raised an eyebrow. "Oh, sorry. Too personal?" He asked, sighing a bit as he stood.

"Um, k-kinda," The boy replied, relieved that Len has understood so quickly.

"Mmn, alright." The heir moved closer, grinning a bit as he pulled Oliver's hood down and examined his face. "Yup. Just as I thought. You're really adorable...."

Oliver flinched violently, his face suddenly exploding a dark red color. "W-w-what?! I-I'm not adorable!" He gently pushed Len away, not wanting to do anything rash in case he got in big trouble, though.

"Ehhh~? Don't be shy~" Len laughed a bit, grabbing one of Oliver's hands and holding it to his chest as he leaned closer to him, their faces only a few inches apart. "See? I'm just as nervous as you are," he whispered before gently pressing his lips against Oliver's.

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