Chapter 7 - Here to Gone

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~Len's POV~

Running down the stairs, I skipped a few at the end, hopping in front of my father, who was talking to a woman clad in golden armor. She...wasn't from here.

I had left Oliver up in my room; hopefully he wouldn't be uncomfortable. Well...I'm sure he'd be more comfortable with me gone anyway.

"Father," I said slowly, "what's going on...?"

My father turned, and his face was unreadable. As he spoke, his voice was just barely shaking. "Len, as from today, you will be leaving for the kingdom of Yuren. Please pack your things and meet Ms. Henrietta here."

My eyes widened. No way.... I can't leave! That's insane! "But Father—"

"Now, Len." His voice was stern, but I could clearly tell he was sad about this. Father....

"Yes, Father," I mumbled out reluctantly, quickly turning and running back up the stairs. I almost forgot Oliver was in my room, but I held back my tears. It...wasn't manly to cry. I can't cry...but it hurts so badly.

Oliver noticed the pain in my face, and looked concerned for the first time.'s not like I'd ever seen him concerned before, let alone for someone like me. "Um...." He doesn't seem sure what to say. I inhaled sharply.

"It's nothing you need to be concerned about...." I shook my head, and then rubbed my wrist roughly. "Kaito...please see Oliver back home.... Something's come up...."

Mr. Shion's brows knit together. He looked concerned as well; worried to the point where he didn't even correct me this time. Hah....

He nodded and slowly walked past, Oliver following silently. The atmosphere around them was awkward, and it faded slowly once I was alone. Finally....

Tears spilled down my cheeks, but I forced myself to keep my voice down. I don't...want to leave. I don't want to! But Father said there's nothing I can do...I have to leave tonight.... I couldn't...even apologize to Oliver properly....

Calming myself, I took a shaky step forward and gathered up a few things before running back downstairs to meet the lady again. "Father, I'm ready...." I mumbled, trying to make it seem like I hadn't cried.

No one said anything about that, so I'd assumed I was either successful or they just didn't want to mention it.

"Prince Len," the lady finally spoke and her voice was a stern. I guessed she was a knight from the 'my-new-home' kingdom.... "I am Cul, first night of the kingdom of Yuren. Advisor to Our Majesty." She crossed her arms. "It was a special request I come to find you." Her eyes narrowed. "Do not make any mistakes."

A shiver of fear went down my back. What...? What does that mean?


Several days passed, and we still hadn't reached Yuren. Although I've received many letters from my father and even Oliver. They're all addressed back to someone named Yohio, though. Probably his legal guardian? Father? I'm not sure.

"How much longer?" I asked slowly, looking up from the current letter I held.

"Not long," Cul replied simply, fixing her side ponytail next to me.

Sighing, I skimmed over the letter again.

Dear Prince Len,

It's Oliver. Well, you probably already knew that. Anyway....

I wanted to let you know that things...are pretty boring now. Don't take that the wrong way, I still dislike you violently, but I can tell you're not a bad person.

You.... I know you cried that day. Mr. Shion knows too. We didn't leave right away, and...I think my views changed a bit. You're not really just some asshole brat (sorry). Just...try to give people space. Dummy.

Regards, Oliver

Closing the letter, a sigh escaped my lips. Another from Father....


I hope you know your duties. Please refrain from causing any trouble for Miss Cul and the kingdom of Yuren. Your mother and I miss you dearly, and, although we don't show it much, truly love you.

I know being royalty is hard. But you are a Kagamine. Make us proud, son.

With love, Dad

My chest tightened. Dad...? He never....

Tears pricked my eyes, but this time I refused to let them fall—alone or not.

Trees passed endlessly and when we finally arrived to the kingdom, it seemed to be drenched in lights. It was almost as if I were in a different country.

Stepping out of the carriage, Cul asked, "Beautiful, isn't it?"

I nodded, following her out. "I-it is.... I've never been out of Datri before...."

Cul laughed a bit and patted my back. "Don't worry, Kid Prince." She winked. "You'll be fine."

"Er, right." I nodded and smiled sheepishly. If the Queen of Yuren wanted to see me personally, it must've been for something important.... I just couldn't figure out what.

Walking through the town square, there was a multitude of shops ranging from a simple candy store to something as complex as weaponry creation. Insane....

"The citizens of Yuren are lively people; and don't be afraid," Cul explained. "The weaponry shop is mostly used for hunting guns. Seldom do we enter a state of war with anyone."

I nodded once more. It felt like I was on some kind of vacation tour rather than a political trip....

As we headed to the castle, I read another letter. I've read them over 15 times each now.

Dear Prince Len,

I don't keep writing to you because I want to, okay? Don't read into it the wrong way. Like I said before, it's just boring without you annoying me all the time.

It's not like I want you to come back though. I've managed around 16 years without you; what's a few days? Weeks? Months...?

That's a...long time....

Er, forget it! It'd be better if you stayed there anyway!

Regards, Oliver

A smile tugged on my lips. He's such a girly boy....

Shaking my head, we head into a large corridor of the palace. A girl gasps loudly; it can be heard from here, and I'm guessing it was on the second floor.


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