Chapter 9 - Them to Us

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~3rd Person POV~

Hands roamed to areas of skin where normally no one had touched but himself before—sensations of newfound pleasure were spiking up and down his spine with each gentle and loving touch from the person on top.


Gasping, Oliver shot up in bed with sweat running down his forehead, cheeks dark red as well. His eye went wide and he sat for a moment just contemplating what in the good lord's name he had just dreamt about.

Yohio sat nearby at a small desk in the room, chuckling to himself at Oliver, though it was uncertain what he had done.

"H-Hio!" Oliver scolded, his face bright red. He jumped out of the bed and sighed in relief when there was no problem to deal with.

"Having a nice dream?" Yohio teased, not looking up from the desk.

"Shut up!" Oliver scolded, still beet red. He quickly threw the blankets off himself and ran to the bathroom—which really only was a small wooden bath and a faucet—to splash some water on his face.


White, silver, gold.

Len glanced around, awkwardly standing with his arms out. There were girls on each side of him, hastily sewing and fixing the cloth of his newly-made pants and shirt. He was sweating—drops slipped down his forehead.

This was all going too fast. He had finally found his sister...who wanted to marry him? For some reason? He hadn't even remembered anything about her other than the fact that they were twins.

He didn't really understand.

A spike of pain hit his leg and he flinched, pulling his leg up slightly. "Hey! Ow...." He grumbled.

The girl winced and quickly lowered her head. "I-I'm sorry! Very sorry!" She quickly rolled up the pant leg, as not to stain it with the blood, and wiped at the spot.

Len let out a verbal sigh.

How annoying....


Yohio furrowed his brow at the letter they had received.

Citizen of Faldia,

You are formally invited to the wedding of the Queen of Yuren and the Prince of Faldia. Please make time to come to the Church of Revelation in the kingdom of Yuren in three days time.

Signed, the Queen of Yuren

He glanced around for a moment, sighing. "Oliver, come here," he called quickly.

The boy, upon hearing his brother's voice from a room away, scurried in. It sounded like he had done something bad and was about to get scolded.


Hio handed him the note. "Read this."

There was a pause. Oliver took the letter and let his gaze slowly travel down the page as he took in every single word.

"...What?" Was all he managed to mutter out. "W-we....we should go," he whispered, crumpling it in his hands. "Okay? Let's just go...."

The concern showed on Yohio's face, and the blond held out a hand to his brother. "You're hurt, aren't you...? I'm sorry, Oliver...."

"I-I'm not," Oliver replied quickly, smacking his hand away. He tossed the letter to him. "Let's set up a wagon for our trip, though...."

Yohio sighed softly, watching Oliver turn away and leave. He was hurt, and he could tell....


The murmur of people young and old echoed throughout the chapel. Len could feel eyes glaring and piercing at him from almost every angle. It was a bit more than distressing.

A cough called him to attention and he spun around to face the same woman who had brought him to this crazy, messed-up kingdom in the first place.

"Prince Len, I assume you're anxious?" She asked, folding her arms delicately over each other like a housewife would.

The blond didn't reply for a moment, and Cul pressed.

"Prince Len?"

"Y-yes?" Len finally spoke up, brow furrowed in worry and slight fear. "I—um...."

The knight raised a brow. "You won't back out now, correct? A coward isn't fit to be king."

Those words pierced the blond's chest, and he felt a twang of real, physical pain for a moment. Then, he shook his head.

"N-no, I won't...."


"Fuck!" The cuss slid from Oliver's mouth and Yohio smacked him upside the head for it.

"Oliver! Don't swear," he scolded, shaking his head in disapproval. "People are looking at you funny."

The eyes came from around the chapel—he had spoke too loud. Sweat started to pile up on his face and he laughed awkwardly, looking away.

"I-I'm gonna find the bathroom—" Oliver muttered quickly, standing up and sliding out from the pew, quickly and awkwardly heading to the outside. He wasn't looking, another mistake by him, and ran into someone whose outfit sure looked expensive; it even felt expensive, too.

"I-I'm sorry!"

There was a pause, but Oliver didn't look up from where he had squeezed his eyes shut in case he was hit again.


The familiar voice made him gasp, and the smaller looked up quickly, heart suddenly feeling like it was about to burst.

"L—Uh, P-Prince Len?!" He exclaimed, glances catching him once again. He quickly lowered his voice, blushing immensely. "W-wahhh, forgive me—"

Len blinked a few times but then finally processed what happened, grabbing Oliver's hands. "Oliver!" He looked relieved, almost like he was hoping to see him. "We need to talk!" He pulled the boy along quickly, giving him no time to reply or even pull away.

They made their way to a different side room that was along the hall, and the older blond shut the wooden door silently.

"Uurgh, you're not anything weird, right?" Oliver instinctively crossed his arms as a way to protect himself.

Len flinched and quickly shook his head. He turned beet red at that, sweating already. "Wh—No! No, no! S-sorry...again." He sighed heavily and kinda waved his hand. "It's...actually, um, I was hoping you'd show up...."

The shorter tilted his head slightly, moving his arms down again once the situation seemed clear. "You were...?" He felt his heart flutter. No, he's probably overthinking.

"Yes!" Len nodded eagerly. "You came because the wedding, correct? I'm...well, I don't want to continue, to be blunt." He furrowed his brow, looking down. His gaze traveled the grimy cement floor, a sigh escaping his lips once more.

"What...?" Oliver felt his chest lighten from something he didn't know was irritating him. "But...aren't you in love with the queen?"

"Love...?" Len paused and crossed his arms. "No, that's...."

There was another pause, and the older tapped his fingers quickly against the side of his arm.

"She's actually my sister...."

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