Chapter 10 - Start to Finish

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~3rd Person POV~

"...Y-your...sister?!" Oliver shouted without realizing, and then quickly covered his mouth with his hands. "W-what do you mean—? A-are you, uh, into that...?" He looked away, looking a bit disgusted and irritated at the same time.

"Wh—no!" Len shook his head rapidly. "That—no! I''s kinda forced...." He grumbled, digging his nails into the pure white fabric of his sleeves.

Maybe Oliver hadn't noticed, but the silence gave him a chance now. Len's bangs had been slicked back but his hair ever remained in its signature ponytail. He wore a snow-white suit that was cuffed with gold around the ends; he looked more like a prince than ever. Maybe even a divine being? That might be a bit much.

"T-then...who's forcing you? Is it deadly...?"

There was another pause and the older glanced away, laughing awkwardly.

"Well, er, one way or another," he simply replied, shrugging. "The only reason my parents are against it is because they hate her—Rin, that is.... Otherwise they wouldn't give a shit in the first place...."

Oliver nodded slowly, he reached out to take Len's hand in his own. "P...Prince Len," he started, smiling slightly, "I'll...try and help."


Rin paced back and forth, fuming with anger. "Where is he?!" She pouted, stomping her foot. "Cul!"

The said knight quickly made her way into the room at the ear-shattering shout.


The blond turned sharply, glaring daggers. "Where. Is. Len?!" She held up her dress daintily, but her eyes showed murder. "It's been twenty minutes since he was cued! None of the other maids could find him!"

The redhead blinked and then rubbed the back of her head. "I-I will do my best, milady," she mumbled, quickly pacing out of the room.

The hallway was empty—as expected from a chapel filled with more people than it probably could've held.

The knight was sweating. She knew Rin angry and this even wasn't her worst. She had to find Len before the whole country saw her so-called 'true form'.


Cul blinked, the tapping of her metal shoes stopping with her. What was that?

She didn't move for another moment, and the sound came again. The redhead turned slightly, facing the wooden door that the sound came from.

...Was someone in there? There should've been no reason to—even if there was, what good was attending a wedding one hadn't even planned on watching in the first place?


She reached for the doorknob, and slowly opened the door, the sound getting louder now that there wasn't a barrier.

The sight was...horrifying, to say the least.

"P-Prince Len?!" Cul exclaimed, going dark red. Her lip quivered in anger and disgust mixed together.

The look she got in return was unphased—maybe even annoyed.


"Y-you— W-what are you doing?!"

Len looked from her, to where he had Oliver pinned down underneath him. His eyes were half-lidded, though more from a deadpan look than any previous pleasure. His clothes sagged at the shoulders, bare skin exposed there, as well as his chest where the buttons of his suit were undone.

Oliver kept his head away. It was embarrassing—this was his plan, but still.... He was panting. Len put in a little too much effort to be believable; there were dark bruises along the sides of his neck that carried up to his jawline. His shirt was slid up a bit from where his hand had dragged as well, and the younger shuddered at the faint after-feeling that he got of when Len had touched him.

He had really tried too hard.

"Uh, I'm having fun?" Len finally spoke up, shrugging his shoulders as best as he could from the position he was in. "You see...I don't exactly fancy the marriage of siblings," he gave her a mocking grin, tilting Oliver's head up as he looked back towards him, "but it's also the fact that I'm just in love with someone else."

Oliver felt his cheeks burn and shut his eye tightly, to which he was surprised to feel the other's lips on his.

They were...kissing in front of someone....

Cul shrieked and covered her eyes. "P-Prince Len!" She gasped, quickly turning. "T-the nerve—! I-I will have you banned from Yuren! Y-you'll never come back!"

The heir sighed and sat up, fixing his suit. "Fine by me," he replied simply. "I don't want to come back until my sister acts her age," he growled out menacingly, helping Oliver up as well. "I might as well get married to someone else anyway."

The knight clenched her fists and ran out, calling Rin's name in a panic.

The younger blond couldn't stop his face from heating up, and he tried to avoid Len's gaze—albeit to no avail. "...T-that was, erm, s-some hardcore acting," he breathed out in surprise. He felt his lips tingle with the sensation of Len's, blushing even more.

Len only smiled. "Well, it's easy if everything's true," he replied, standing up now. "I'll get you a scarf or something to cover up the mess I've made. I'll apologize later, okay?"

When Oliver looked down, he took in Len's words. All of it's true...? True? Then....


The heir blinked and glanced back at Oliver. "Huh? W-what?"

The boy bit his lip harshly and trembled a bit. "D-don't get anything," he muttered. "I-it's fine.... T-the truth is...I wouldn't have come, but...something made me so angry and irritated that I just had to show up." He avoided catching Len's eyes. "That, um.... I'm glad...that you didn't actually want to get married...."

The older looked at him for a moment. "Um, you know that she's gone, right?" He laughed awkwardly. "Seriously, it's fine...."

"No!" Oliver flinched when he rose his voice. "Urgh, s-sorry.... Just—just take me seriously, okay...?"


Oliver glanced up now, beet red with embarrassment. "Y-you're still...a work in progress, but...I want to help you with everything.... I want to be there and stand beside you as you become a great king...."

Len blushed now. "Er, wait, that's not a compliment—" He shook his head quickly.

The younger pouted, covering his face. "Idiot! I-I'm saying that I've fallen in love with you! T-the stupid, idiotic, ignorant, dumb prince!"

Len paused. "T-that—um, I don't know where to start...." He looked away, rubbing the back of his head. "That's not exactly the best way to say it...." He sighed, leaning down to where Oliver sat on the floor, kissing his forehead.

"C'mon, let's get out of here. I'll give you my answer then, alright?" He grinned. "I'm sure you know what it is."

Oliver looked up at him, brows furrowed. It was a moment before his expression softened.

"Y-yeah.... I do."

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