Chapter 4 - Girl to Boy

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~3rd Person POV~

Oliver's eye widened as he pushed Len away a bit rougher this time. He pulled his hands to his chest, shocked silent.

Len tilted his head a bit, an eyebrow raised. "Hm? What's with that? Listen, I'm saying I love you. I don't really know, it was love at first sight." He smiled, genuine at that. "I want you to be my bride."

The younger didn't really know how to react. He covered his mouth with the back of his hand and stared at Len. "I-I...I can't!" He shouted, stepping back a bit. "I don't even know you well enough.... This—I don't—"

The heir sighed softly. He moved back to Oliver and lifted him up into his arms. "Hey, don't worry about it, okay?" He smiled, and for some reason, that smile made Oliver calm down a bit and even lean into Len's chest a bit. Which made him very confused.

Len moved over to his bed, setting Oliver down with a slight smirk as he crawled on top of him. "This is okay, right...?"

Oliver's face went pale and he let out a soft shriek. "W-wha—n-no way!" Even though he said that, he didn't move an inch. Maybe it was fear? Maybe it wasn't.

Len snickered softly, starting to undo the fabric hoodie and tossed it to the side. "Hmm, you're really not resisting at all? Isn't that the same thing as consent then~?"

The boy squeaked softly and tried to shrivel up into a tight ball of protection. It didn't work very well, though.

The heir grinned and started unbuttoning the white collared shirt that was underneath. He paused a bit and hummed softly. "Hm, you really are flat-chested, huh?"

Oliver furrowed his brow a bit. "O-of course I a-am," he stuttered out, gripping onto the bed tightly. "T-this is w-wrong, y-you know...."

Len just shrugged and continued to pull it off until his torso was fully exposed. He ran a hand along the boy's chest, pursing his lips a bit. "Pale," he noted. "Soft skin, though."

Oliver shivered from the mixture of the cold air and Len's hand on his chest. "S-stop...."

The heir didn't stop, however, he only continued and started to pull down Oliver's shorts, which made him squeak again.

"D-don't!" He shouted, somewhat quietly, reaching down and keeping his hands glued to his shorts so that Len wouldn't be able to pull them off.

Len tilted his head a bit, continuously tugging at them. "Hey, hey, c'mon. It'll feel good, I promise."

Oliver whimpered softly. "I-I don't care," he whispered, tightening his grip on the fabric around his waist.

Len sighed. "Mmn, fine, I'll just pay attention to your chest for now~" His smirk returned in an instant and he leaned his head down, gently kissing one of Oliver's sensitive spots.

The boy gasped, arching his back slightly. He kept muttering for Len to stop over and over, but the heir didn't listen. Surprising. He continued to kiss and lick his chest, pulling away after a moment.

"Mmn...ready yet?" Len moved Oliver's hands away from his shorts, which were now too weak from the pleasure to even stop him at all. The heir seemed pleased at that, pulling down his shorts and suddenly stopping. "...Hey," he said, his time much different than before. " this?"

Oliver blushed harshly, averting his gaze quickly. "U-um, it's...well, I...." He trailed off, unable to think of a way to answer the given question. "I-it's w-what you p-probably think it is," he finally answered, still sounding unsure anyway.

After a long while of silence, Len groaned out in distress. "Agh, so Kaito was right?!" He quickly pulled Oliver's shorts back on and then sat him up, helping him get dressed again. "I-I'm so sorry, God, I thought you were a girl, and I—" He rambled on, blushing just as much as Oliver was now. "Um, about everything I said, though—it really was true—" He coughed awkwardly. "God, I'm so sorry...."

Oliver blinked a few times in surprise, still not quite sure about everything that had just happened. " if I was a girl, were going to r-rape me...?"

The heir flinched violently. "L-listen, that's not it at all!" He waved his hands violently. "Um, I'm sorry, really, this is all a huge misunderstanding. I promise!" He laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head.

The boy scrunched up his nose a bit, raising his hand up and smacking Len across the face. After hesitating for a moment, he said, "I don't care whether or not you're royalty. Nothing gives you the right to touch anyone like that, no matter what gender they are, how old they are, or anything. Take me home." He glared at Len, which sent a shiver down the older's spine. No one had ever talked to him that way. Well, expect for maybe his father. But, of course, that was an exception.

"Y-yes, um, I-I'm sorry," The heir muttered quickly before getting off his bed and gesturing for Oliver to follow as he started to look around for Mr. Shion.

It didn't take long to find him; he was talking with the king, just as he had said he would be.

"Kaito," Len waved his hand, "we're taking...." He trailed off, suddenly realizing that he had always just assumed this boy's name was Olivia. Taking a wild guess, he hoped he had gotten his name right. "Oliver. We're taking Oliver back home now."

Mr. Shion glanced over and nodded his head slightly before turning back to the king and explaining. Without a word, the king looked over at Oliver, and then to Len. He nodded slowly after a moment and Mr. Shion headed over to them. "You're not staying for dinner, Oliver?" He asked quite casually for a butler.

Oliver shook his head. "No, I've got to get home to my brother. He'll be worried sick. It's already late, too...."

"Ah, yes," Mr. Shion nodded and then held his hand out. "Come with me then. Young master, please go and get yourself cleaned up for supper."

The heir sighed heavily, rolling his eyes. "Yes, yes...."

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