Chapter 6 - Angered to Forgiven

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~3rd Person POV~

Len sighed softly as he pulled on his over-shirt. He sat down for breakfast, gazing across the long table at his father.

The room was silent, except for the multiple maids and servants scurrying across the room to set the food up.

Len heard the door creak open, and looked over to see Mr. Shion leading Oliver to the table. The young blond was seated next to Len, and he didn't say a word as he shot a harsh glance to the prince.

"Mr. Shion," the king spoke up, sounding rather annoyed, "what is this peasant doing here?"

"Father—" Len started, trying to explain, but Mr. Shion cut him off.

The butler bowed slightly and then moved closer. "My apologies, your majesty, the prince has requested for this boy to dine with us for tonight. He will be escorted home by myself personally right after supper."

The king paused, his gaze sliding over to Len. The heir flinched a bit, getting ready for the king's wrath upon him. Yet all he got was a small sigh. "Alright," the king nodded and then waved a hand at Oliver. "Eat up, boy. If my son has taken a liking to you, so be it."

Len flinched violently at that. "I-it's not—!"

"Thank you," Oliver said and bowed his head slightly. "It's an honor."

Len gave Oliver a strange look before he noticed the strangely deadly aura he held and then looked away. "K-Kaito—"

Mr. Shion cut him off with a cough.

"Mr. Shion," Len restarted with a small groan of annoyance, "can you set up a room for me after this, please?"

"Of course," Mr. Shion replied with a nod and then went back to observing from next to Oliver.


"Your Highness, I realize how much you love and adore him, but...." The lady abhorred, "he's your brother, for God's sake!"

"The brother that I am going to marry," the other girl—looking much younger—shot back. "Anne, just how long do you intend on keeping him from me?"

Anne paused. "Madame, you know that we are instructed specifically to keep you away from each other, correct?"

"Then I will request that be nulled."


"Anne, I'm done arguing with you over something this petty. How long are you going to live in the past? For God's sake, it's the twentieth century already...." The younger huffed irritably, clasping her fan shut and turning. "Now, if I've made myself clear," she shot Anne a smile that seemed to have anger bubbling underneath it, "send Father a request to take back the orders to keep us apart. I wish to see my brother."

Anne looked away, although her posture remained stiff and focused. "Y-yes, your highness...."


This is awkward. Len looked from Oliver, to Mr. Shion, and then the King. There was nothing he could say that wouldn't upset at least one of them.

Though he spoke anyway.

"Oliver," the older blond started, setting his cutlery down, "I apologize sincerely for my actions. After dinner, instead of heading straight home, I'd like you to see something."

Oliver didn't reply. I don't want to see anything that's under your clothing. He tightened his grip on the knife in hand, trying to keep his composure for he assumed that the King was blissfully unaware of his idiot son's actions.

At the silence, the heir knew what that meant, and nodded. "Mr. Shion, I'm finished. Please escort me to my room."

Mr. Shion blinked. He pressed his lips into a thin line, and shook his head. "Young master, you would bring Oliver here all the way back to the castle to apologize and then leave like a spoiled child because he is silent for an answer?"

The heir flinched, and he looked to his father quickly. "I—" He clenched his fists. "I'm sorry, Kaito. You're right...."

Mr. Shion coughed, narrowing his eyes at Len.

"Ugh, whatever , Mr. Shion." Len crossed his arms and pouted, moving over to Oliver. "Are you finished?"

The younger flinched and hesitantly nodded. He was pulled to his feet by the older, and dragged along. "Hey—!"


Anne looked around the room, utterly speechless. She couldn't tell whether she was disgusted, horrified, or both. "Y-your highness," she choked out, "I d-didn't realize how...c-cluttered your room was...."

Dolls stacked the shelves, pictures of monochrome plastered all over the wall, and a few boxes of unknown content were splayed out on the floor.

The younger lady scoffed. "Of course it is!" She huffed and crossed her arms like a child. "Every minute I'd spent away from my dear fiancé has been made up here."

Everything was...well, it was Len. Dolls that resembled his face and his clothing, black-and-white-colored pictures of his face from news articles of any kind, boxes.... Those were...hard to ask.

"M-miss," Anne spoke shakily, clearly distraught, "w-what...may I ask, the b-box...?"

The girl grinned. "I'm so glad you asked, Anne...." She happily wandered over to the box and pulled it up onto a shelf near one Len doll. "My dear brother and I were together back when, and I sincerely wish to be with him again, as you know...." She pulled out a small card, opening it up. A wider grin appeared on her face. "The first a hair~" She happily sung.

Anne looked mortified. "M-miss, can't—"

"I can!" The younger girl snapped, putting the hair back. She closed the box, keeping any other items that were inside a secret. "And I will. I will marry my brother. I will."

Anne flinched and turned away, nervously. "O-of course, your highness...."


A shiver went down Len's spine as he led Oliver along to a room upstairs—the one Mr. Shion was ordered to set up for them.

Oliver noticed, and it's not like he could just ignore it. "A...are you okay?" He asked slowly.

The older blinked, laughing awkwardly. "Hah, y-yeah, I'm fine...."

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