Chapter 5 - Outgoing to Shut-In

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~3rd Person POV~

"You've been oddly quiet since you came back from, what, the castle, huh?" Yohio laughed a bit. "Quite the little prince, aren't you~?" He teased lovingly.

Oliver sighed heavily, a shiver going down his mind at the memory from earlier that day. He could still feel the prince's cold fingertips brushing against his skin, his tongue trailing around his—

"Oliver?" Yohio raised an eyebrow at the boy, pressing his hand against his brother's forehead. "Did you catch a cold from being out so long? You're all red...." He muttered worriedly, shaking his head. "I'll get you a wet rag."

Oliver flinched, almost falling out of his chair. "Oh, no, no, Hio, don't worry!" He laughed awkwardly, waving his hands. His gaze slid back down to the small plate of fish that Yohio had caught, and paid for by himself. He considered it part of the harsh tax, so it was fine. "I'm just...kinda distracted, is all...." He sighed softly.

The older brother paused for a moment before a small smirk crept onto his lips. "What's with that sigh, hmm?" Oliver blinked in confusion. "Meet a nice girl in the marketplace, did you? Foreign?"

"What?!" Oliver squeaked, his face turning an even darker red. "N-no way! I'm not in love, shut up! That's so gross! I've got to focus on making money and helping you first, anyway." He huffed, crossing his arms. Although.... The blond let his thoughts slip off to a fantasy world, somewhat different from his reality.

"I do." The words—his own—echoed in his mind like a water droplet creating a ripple in a pond. Suddenly, his mind was filled with the color white. Bright white. And...ruffles? Frills?

"A dress...?" He ended up murmuring aloud, catching Yohio's attention again.

The older laughed heartily. "Already planning your entire wedding, huh?" He couldn't help but laugh more at that. "Now, don't go and get a girlfriend before I do, Ollie!"

"E-eh?! W-wedding?!" The younger brother shook his head rapidly. "I-I'm not! I-I said, t-there's n-no one! J-jeez, Hio!" He pouted, puffing his cheeks out angrily.

Then again, who was he getting married to...? The dress he saw.... It looked very frilly, layered with white fabric. He was saying, "I do," as well. But to who?

"So confusing," he huffed. "Hio, there's no way I'll get married—let alone, a girlfriend—before you. I've heard the girls who hang around the tavern—they all talk about you." He snickered softly. "Quite popular yourself, hmm?"

"Says the boy who got personally escorted to the castle," Yohio remarked with a smirk.

Oliver flinched yet again. "Hio!" He shouted, blushing harshly. "It wasn't like that, jeez!" He huffed, but his mind wandered again. Was it like that...? What was 'that'? Was it him almost being raped by the prince? ...Was that rape? He didn't resist at all, like the heir had said. And...even though he did at the end, why does he feel disappointed that nothing happened? It feels...boring.

After finishing up his food rather quickly, Oliver stood up abruptly and then made his way to his room without a word. Yohio didn't seem to mind much, in fact, it seemed like a thing that wasn't unusual for Oliver to do.


"What do you mean, young master?" Mr. Shion tapped his foot impatiently. "I'm afraid I'm not understanding you at all."

Len lied in bed, curled up in his blankets, still dressed in his pajamas as well. "I'm telling you, I need to make everything up to Oliver," he mumbled, sounding extremely worn out.

Mr. Shion furrowed his brow slightly in confusion and slight irritation. "And...this specified 'everything' would be...?"

Len groaned loudly. "Things, things, I messed up, alright?" He huffed, hugging a pillow tightly. "Just get my breakfast, will you?"

Mr. Shion's eyebrow twitches slightly. "...Of course, young master...." He sighed softly, pivoted, and left the room.


"I can't believe I got myself lost...." Oliver sighed softly. This was the market he had grown up in, yet he somehow managed to get himself swept up in the crowd. He looked around worriedly, hoping he would be able to spot something that might indicate where he was. However, due to his small figure, he wasn't tall enough to see past the heads of most of the others.

"Where a—mmfh?!" Suddenly, a hand slapped over Oliver's mouth and he was pulled into an alleyway. He kicked his legs, but wasn't able to break free because of how frail and weak he was.

"Oliver," the voice spoke and Oliver's eye widened. He stopped kicking, and went limp. "I apologize, I didn't mean to scare you, but I knew you would react like that...." Mr. Shion let go of the boy and bowed in apology, sighing softly. "You got carried away very easily...."

Oliver blushed slightly, twirling his fingers around each other. "H-haha, I suppose...." He pursed his lips a bit while looking up at the blue-haired man. "Why're you here anyway?"

Mr. Shion seemed to hesitate, but he replied quickly after that, almost like he didn't hesitate at all. "Young master wishes to speak with you. He is deeply sorry for his actions, and wishes to make it up to you somehow."

Oliver raised an eyebrow. "Young master?" He asked, crossing his arms. "You mean...the prince?"


"...What happens if I refuse?" The boy looked up at Mr. Shion, a sort of testiness in his tone.

Mr. Shion didn't falter, but only nodded. "Unfortunately, I am not aware of what consequences come about with that choice. However, I am aware that young master is very sincere in his apology. He's been locked inside his rooming quarters all morning."

Oliver tilted his head back in thought. "He has, has he?" The blond paused and let out a heavy sigh. "Mmn, fine. I will go, but only if I will be in the presence of you as well as him the entire time. No exceptions."

Mr. Shion looked a bit confused, but nodded swiftly. "Of course," he replied with a small smile.

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