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After Enoch snap at Miss P. About the girl we were all sent away to get ready for supper.

I quickly washed up and went to go see my little sister, wanting to know what she was up to today.

" Bronwyn!" I called walking down towards my sister's room, hearing her and Claire talking softly and giggling afterwards.

"Bronwyn" I called again knocking softly but firmly so she know to let me in. After a few minutes the door creek opened and pop out her head. " yes Victor " she said tilting her head up so she's looking at me.

"Just wanted to know how my sister is doing.... may I come in girls?" I ask politely looking down at the girls

" of Crouse big brother " bronwyn says opening the door wider so that I could step in, then closing rhe door right after.

"So what were you young ladies doing before Abe and got here? I questioned.  "Having a tea party of Crouse " shouted Claire throwing her small arms into the air in excitement. I smiled softly at them. "Well wasn't that splendid " I replied.

"Victor,  do you think that girl would want to play with us? Or stay with us forever! Claire and Bronwyn say pleasingly. " I don't know girls, but let her rest alright." I say sternly looking at both girls in the eye, before hearing the bell for dinner go off.

" come little ones, it's time for supper, we don't want to keep the others waiting." I open the door and held both of my hands out so each girl can grab hold and I walk with them down to the dinning hall.

Sitting down with the rest of the others I notice Miss Peregrine isn't at the table. " Miss Peregrine says to start with out her" Abe called as  he enter the dinning and sat down in his seat. We all begin serving our self dinner having  small conversations waiting for Miss P. To come and join us.

Not long after dinner started we herd footsteps coming towards the dinning, we all subconsciously go quite and turned facing the door. Miss P steps out and smiles at us.

"Children I would like you all to welcome our guest Miss Avery Sunken. " Miss Peregrine's says as she sides steps to reveal the girl that was unconscious and bruised. But now she has on one of Olive dresses hands behind her back head facing the floor, she looked shy, but once miss p said her name her head shot up and look at all of us around the table.

She was breath taking...

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