◇ 10 ◇

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《 shout out too RoseWeasley10 for answering the  question i put in. I'll be doing more through out the story so if you  want a shoutout then pay attention to my author notes at the end of the chapters. Anywhore on with the story! 》

~ Avery point of view ~

After i disappeared from Enoch and Victor I went inside to look around. The house was beautiful and I am very grateful that they leted me stay.

"Avery!" Someone called, turned my head and look at the beautiful redhead. "Yes Olive" i asked sweetly. "Come say goodbye to Abe before he leaves to another loop." She smiles amd turns walking out of the hall amd i follow after her. "Abe? Why are you leaving i thought you were staying" i asked as soon as he was in sight. " Avery... Ill be back i promise, i know this is all new for youin this loop but i nees to go and save other people. " he said looking sadly at me as emma wraps her arms around him and kissing his cheek. " im going to miss you. " emma and i say at the same time making all four of us laugh. I give Abe a hug before i walked out nit wanting to sse him go and i head off to my room slightly upset.

An hour later there is a knock at my door and i quietly told them to come in. In walks olive giving me a shy smile. " hi Avery i wanted to kniw if we can get to know each other a littke better since were going to be here a little while" i smiled and noded my head moving to the side so she can sit down next to me.

Smiling softly as shes sits down facing me she begins with the questions. " favorite colour?" "Hmm i think that it'll have to be green." I say and i see a slight surprised face, " okay um what year were you in your loop?" She asked and i bit my lip thinking, well I was in a loop from the 1800's that's also the time year i was born in. So being in the 1900's is all very new to me." I answered honestly. She kept asking questions and i answered them as honestly as i could and then i was able to ask her some questions too.

"Well Olive i think we will become great friends perhaps even best friends" i say excitedly smiling wide.
, whike she nods. " oh yes i do believe so, but you have to excuse me i need to go see Enoch." Olive says as she gets up, i give her a hug as she leaves and closes the door sighing happily,  I think im going to like here. I say to myself.

《 ahhhh you  guys 1k reads thank you alk who have read my story i know i said i was up dating on monday but i decided to update early. This is just a filler because i want her to interact with the other children here. Thank you all for reading and I'll see you in my next update.  I love you. ♡ 》

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