◇ 8 ◇

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Upset at Enoch I didn't want to be in town anymore so i left. I just dont understand why he is being so mean. Is he jealous that i loke someone? Or that i wamt to be around her? Does he think hes being replaced? Questions that will go unanswered.

I came back to the house and went into my room, i didn't want to go on our group walk, i didn't want to be around anyone as of right now. I was confused and lost. I wanted to leave but the Avery made me want to stay

Someone knocked on my door quite loadly and i groaned. " go away!" I called out, but the person continues to knocked annoying me. Sighing i get up qmd open my door seeing Millard. " can i help you" i asked kindy rudely. " come on Victor its time for our daily walk, and Miss Peregrine says you have to go." He says then turns and leaves.

Groaning loudly i walk out also and follow after him. " you know your starting to sound a lot like Enoch right now" Millard calls out. "Shut up Millard I dont want to hear it " then i mobe ahead of him and outside where the rest of the children are waiting. I see Avery up front talking to Abe softly with Emma close by.

It's not fair, why is ahe so open with Abe? Does she like him? Does she know that him and Emma are like a thing? I got lost in thought again when i feel someone stamding next to me.

"Victor,  look im sorry about early" Enoch says softly so only i hear. I turned to look at him. " its fine" i mumbled turning back. " so are we good than? Please say so i dont wanna lose my best friend." Enoch begs, he never reqlly shlws this side of him. The afraid and fear. " yeah Enoch were good, i can never be mad at you forever.  i say turning back to him and smiling softly. " but you haveto be nicer to Avery too" i say. "WHAT, thats not fair sje isnt to be trusted Victor .!" He says a little loudly that Avery turns to look at us.  "Enoch please" i begged

Avery starts walking to us and i see Enoch nod before turning and glaring ahead. " excuse me uh Enoch,  ca i talk to you  please.  " Avery says looking at me and Enoch.  " fine but Victor stays " he says upset. "Thats fine with me " she says smiling at me softly before turning to Enoch. " whydo you hate me" avery says very bluntly and straight to the point taken us back.

" theres something i dont like about  you, like your hinding something and i want to know what it is. " Enoch replieds.

" my peculiar is what made me different from the other children in my old loop, and every reset i was dying. My secret is that i can copy others peculiar, just by touching them, but only at will." There now you know what im hinding " she says looking at us

" i believe you " enoch says. "Im sorry for how i treated you. I only want my people safe" he says.
"Well i mean no harm Enoch, maybe we can be friends. All of us" she says still looking at us with a smile. I was overthe moon with this. Now me and avery can be friends amd Enoch itll be perfect. I was excited to see how all of this goes.

< Hi guys! Omfg thank you all for reading my story and commenting and voting it makes me so happy, that so many people are enjoying my little story. See you all in the next chapter. Remember you are beautiful and loved. >

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