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I was sitting in Enoch room watching him mess with is clay dolls as we wait for Olive. He brought them to life and made them fight and we herd clapping, looking up we see Olive standing there smiling wide. " oh i never get tired of seeing that" she explans as she sits down.

"Olive were have you been?, we've been waiting for hours" Enoch says slightly upset about that. "Sorry Enoch sorry Victor, I got so caught up getting to know Avery i lost track of time" Olive says sincerely.

" you were talking to Avery? How that go, what's she like?" I asked all at once making Olive laugh. " oh Mr. Burnley i do believe that you quite like ms. Sunken. " psshh no i thought to myselfas i blushed deeply making Enoch laugh. " please olive don't give Victor any ideas. " i groaned and got up, " goodnight you two." Then i left annoyed.

- skiping to after breakfast because i can -

I decided to leave the house and go towards the loop entrace. I really wanted to leave and explore the outside world. I know i wouldn't change up outside of the loop, since it is still 1900's I'm pretty sure it's still WW2 since i knowAbe is actually going to go surve there soon. Probably the next time he vists. I just want to take a peep amd see how things are going.
Maybe I'll be able to leave loop permanently and live my life. Or go surve in the war with Abe.

The closer i got to the loop the more my adrenaline ran wild. I could  do this i know i can, just a few seconds and I'll be good to go. Once i see the entrance I smiled to myself and ran over to it and checking to make sure no one sees before i dart inside and step out to the real world.
" wow" i spoked outloud looking around. The area was a littke run down from the bombs but other then that it looked okay to me.

I step out of it and decidedthat going for a small walk wouldn't do any harm, and decide to go and findour home amd see how it was afterthe bomb went off.

" Victor?" A soft voice called oit to me making me freeze.  I know that voicebut what is she doing out here. I turned around and see Avery standing at the entrace looking worried and confused. " Victor please come back, it's not safe forus out here." She pled. " Avery i.... i just wanted to see outside the loop." I begain walking back to her and i can see her slowly starting to relax and she reaches her hand out to me. " maybe another time Victor. Something doesn't feel right can we go please." She beg looking around and shaking her hand telling ne to grab it.

With a sigh i smiled and grabed her hand interlocking our fingers together and ket her oull me back into our loop. " thank you Victor. " she says turning her head to smile at me. I smiled back and noded my head at her.

Once we were safely in our loop she pulled me into an extremely tight hug. " I'm just glad your okay, i don't know what I'd do if something back happened to you " she mumbled into our hug burying her faceinto my chest. " shh Avery it's okay I'm fine nothing would have happened to me anyways, why are you so worried about me. You don't really know me all that well. " i stwted looking down at her.

She pullsaway from me and looks up. " i like you Mr Bruntley and i think of youas my friend and i care about each and everyone of you, including Enoch. " she laughs and i smiled. " well im safe Avery." I said smiling down at her and seeing her face heat up was just adorable. " come Mr Bruntley we shall be getting back to the house and to the rest of the children." Avery says hokding her hand out to me again. I grab onto it interlocking our fingers again and we started back to the house, spending the walk back in getting to know each other.

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