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RecapThe Hollows have found us

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The Hollows have found us.

Clinging onto Avery i looked on with wide eyes. I had no idea were the hollow was at but i knew Avery could see them. I regret coming out here now. In a quick movement Avery was all if a sudden floating in the air and was screaming. Scared i looked around and quickly grab pieces that used to be part of our home and through them at were i hoped was the hollow.

A lot screeching was herd and Avery was dropped to the floor. I quickly grabbed her and we ran. "We have to get back to the loop" I screamed as i held Avery hand tightly scared to let go. Avery turned back "No it'll follow us in. We need to hide it's ganging up on us!" Avery says. A claw came out making Avery tripped and i stop. "No Victor run" Avery screamed. "Not without you" i said being stubborn. In a quick movement Avery face had transform into what the twins would turn into. 

I watch as the hollow slowly started turning into stone. After maybe 10 minutes the Hollow was completely stoned.  Avery stood up. "We need to leave. I don't know if it'll last long. "Avery says grabbing my hand and we ran back the the loop. Avery stopped us and looked around making sure that a Hollow wasn't near by. Then she nodded and we made our way back into the loop.

"Do you see why Miss Peregrine doesn't want us to leave the loop Victor. "Avery says catching her breath i nodded looking down. I'm sorry I just  really wanted to see life outside the loop. I said saddly.

She grabbed my hand. "We need to go home now Victor it's almost reset. I nodded again and we slowly walked back. She squeezed my hand. "We have to tell her. " Avery tells me after a long pause and i agreed with her even though i knew we were going to be in a lot of trouble.

We made it back in time and after reset we went to Miss Peregrine office. She was mad but glad that we were safe. I think we worried her because now she knows that hollows are in the island and they could probably fine a way in.

Miss Peregrine sent us off to bed and when we walked out Enoch and Emma were waiting for us. We told them what happened before heading off to bed. As i laid there i couldn't help but feel like this was only the beginning and something more horrifying was going to happen.

After laying in bed for god knows how long i decided to get up and get some water hoping that that will help. As i made my way into the kitchen i herd talking in the dinning room. Slowly i opened it up to show Miss Peregrine and Abe talking they stopped amd turned to me. "Mr. Bruntley to what do we owe for you being up at this hour" Miss P questions.

"I-I was getting some water. " i stuttered a bit. She looks at me firmly before nodding "very well get what you need then straight to bed. Your on kitchen duity" she replies before turning back to Abe and going back to there conversation.  I only picked up that it was qbout the hollow and how Abe says that there isn't a stone hollow at all in the island.

Freaked out i quickly got my water and headed off to bed. As inwas finially falling asleep the door creak and i see Avery she softly tells me she can't sleep amd i scoot over so she can lay down with me. She softly tells me goodnight and i do the same.

《 did a quick update.  Whoo evertone is still alive!!!
Wanna be shout out at in my next update just comment what chapter is your favorite and be following me. Untill next time. Remember that you are loved and wanted. 》

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