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~ Avery p.o.v. ~

I was talking to Olive and Emma having you know girl time untill you knowthey brought up Victor.

" i dont know what your up to but you need to stop " i huffed crossing my arms and they kept pestering me repeatedly on weather i liked victor or not.

" okay fine! Yes i like Victor so what." I snapped pouting after the girls brokeout in squeals. "But nkthing is going to happen so shut your trap" i say getting up to leave only to be bump into Enoch.

" Avery, Victor is looking for you" he says stepping out of my way. I nooed and said thankyou as i went outside, knowing that he be there.

Once outside i smiled spotting him playing withhis sisterand the other little girls. Once he spotted me he said goodbye to his sister and ran uo to me.

" Avery hi um do you maybe want to go on a walk with me?" He asked and i smiled nodding at him. " well of course Mr. Bruntley i would be honnered to go on a walk with you.

" Well Miss Sunken shall we" he holds out his arm and looped my into his smiling. "We shall " i replied and we went off for ojr walk.

《 hey guys i knowthis is suoer short I'm sorry but i am sooo busy right now. Prom is this saturday and i have to set up and get ready for prom and i still have stuff i need to make to decorate my prom. Plus im going to san Francisco in May and Disneyland for grandnite. And i have projects to do and i have a lot of this i need to get done before my high school life is over. Bit don't worry i hooe to update soon. Please vote and comment and if you are rwading this comment. As seen on tv. So i know people  are actually reading my authors notes. Plus i have another story out it's called blood lust and its a Jasper Hale from twilight love  story. So check it out if you want. Thank you for reading.
Love you all and stay stong. Bye!♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

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