◇ 16 ◇

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Avery p.o.v.

The next moring I was helping Miss Peregrine with breakfast. We made small talk, mostly her asking me how i was enjoying my time in the loop.  Which i was.

At breakfast Victor wasn't present and Enoch says it's because he went into town to get a book. I was a little surprised that he would go without saying anything to me, but then again he doesn't have to tell me everything.

I talked to Emma through out breakfast and decided to help her with her daily tasks since i never really had any. Upon helping Emma i see that Victor has return and was smiling at me.

I waved him over and he jogs on over. "Hello Avery." Victor says i turned to him and smile. "Hello Victor " i said. I was wondering if you could take a stroll with me?" He questioned.  I turned to Emma who gave a nod. I turned to Victor.  "Okay but you have to catch me first." I say before i hike up my big skirt and run off.

Not long after, i here him running after me laughing. "Avery wait up!" He calls. I giggle and turn around smiling as he runs up and grabs me and trwils me in his arms and i laugh loudly. "I caught you" victor explains in glee and i nodded pulling back. "It is indeed so". I say with a grin on my face. We caught our breath andI grabbed Victors hand as we begin to take our stroll.

I laid my head on his shoulder as we walked. One arm is wrapped around me while the other is still holding onto my hand. I was in heaven. We stopped and Victor told me to close my eyes. I smiled and did as he says and let him guide me to were ever he was taking me.

"Victor were are we going" I asked desperately wanting to take a peek. "Shhh were almost there Avery, no peeking okay. " i pouted softly but nidded my head and continue to let him guide me.

"Okay open your eyes. " my eyes open and i looked around confused. "Victor were are we?" I asked a little scared for the answer. "Were outside the loop" victor stated. I gasped softly and turned to glare at him.

"Have you gone mad victor. Don't you know how dangerous it is to be outside our loop. What if a hollow comes and eat us?" I said ranting and glaring at him. He bit his lip and looked down. "I thought we could explore for a little bit. Get a taste of what the real world is like." Victor says.

"Fine, but only for a few minutes Victor okay, then we need to go back to our loop." I gave in, justing wanting to keep him happy. He smiles wide at me and gives me a kiss on the cheek before grabbing my hand and we start walking again.

I was in awe on how everything looked the same but still completely different.  It was a little windy out but still beautiful.  We walk through some trees when we came across a huge house that was in ruins and immediately knew it was our home.

"Victor" i say softly clinging onto his hand tightly as we see the home destroyed.  We looked on saddly at what had hapoened to our home outside of the loop. The bombs ruined it. And everyone would be dead if it wasn't for Miss Peregrine. I sighed softly laying my head on Victor shoulder again as we just stood there.

But the quiet soon vanish.  It was like a dark gloom took over and we realize that we were not alone. I pulled away from Victor as i head towards the nosie. But because i have Abe gift i was able to see it.

The hollows have found us.

{ sorry it took so long to update. And it's kinda short but i did it. Also i hit 3K reads like that is amazing guys thank you so much for reading my story. IF YOU ARE WAITING FOR THIS STORY TO UPDATE I HAVE OTHER STORIES IM WORKING ON THQT YIU CAN READ TOO. PLEASE GO TO MY PAGE AND CHECK THEM OUT THANK YOU.
Remember that yiu are live and wanted and that no matter whqt i will believe in you. Stqy beautiful}

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