Chapter Eleven

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He hadn't stopped me as I turned and walked way from him. I hadn't known where I was going, or what I was going to do, I just knew I couldn't go where he was.

I ended up at the town park, standing in front of the lake that was filled with ducks of all colors, and swans. I stood breathless, watching as the birds dipped into the water, their feather covered butts in the air as they searched the water for something delicious.

Before I knew what I was doing, I was at the town market across the street, purchasing a loaf of bread.

I sat on the bench and fed the birds that day, allowing them to be the only living things that came close to me, and now allowing my mind to travel anywhere else.


It was six thirty that evening, my phone had about a hundred missed calls, various names popping up on the screen.

His included.

They didn't know where I was, and I didn't know where I was going to go. I had put myself in such a crap situation by falling in love with a boy I lived with. His home, was my home. I couldn't escape him, yet I had not other option.

I walked home, not answering my phone that buzzed constantly. It was like they were gathered around the living room, one of them ringing my number, and when they didn't get an answer, the next person in line would give it a try.

It was when another named popped up on my phone, I was surpised. I didn't know why he was calling me, and I didn't know I was swiping the answer key, yet my fingers acted as if they had a mind of their own, lifting the phone up to my face.

"Hello?" He says slowly, confused as to if there was actually someone else on the other line.

"Why are you calling me, Tanner?" I find the words and they slip from my lips.

My voice holds nothing, no irritation, no surprise, no sadness. I have stopped walking on the pavement and stand still in the darkness, watching the street beside me as cars pass occasionally.

"How are you doing? I heard about what happened with Monica's father. She was as school today and you weren't, so I didn't know-..."

"I'm fine, but why are you calling."

"I wanted to see how you were doing, like I said, you didn't come to school today so I just wanted to call and make sure everything was okay. I went to your house but Logan said you weren't home, actually asked me if I had talked to you." He waits a moment, seeing if I would cut him off and when I don't, he continues. "Is everything okay at home, they seemed a little worried, said they haven't heard from you since this morning."

"I don't know what I am doing, Tanner." I whisper, tears stinging my eye.

"What do you mean Brook? Where are you, is everything okay?" Worry is thick in his voice as he questions me and I shake my head, knowing he couldn't see the gesture.

"I hurt everyone around me, literally everyone. I have pushed you away, yelled at you, and have been so cruel. Yet here you are, calling to confirm I am okay." I gasp some air into my lungs, knowing I am working myself up. "Why are you here, why do you continue coming back to me. I don't understand why people keep coming back, I push you away because I hurt people."

"Brooklyn, where are you? I'll come and get you." He says gently into the speaker.

"Why." I whisper. "Why are you still trying to be here for me, I have been so terrible."

Beware of Brooklyn *Beware of the Parker Boys Sequel*Where stories live. Discover now