Chapter Fourteen

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*Rodger's POV*

The way her eyes fell on me, the flicker of both surprise and hurt flash before them and I feel a twinge of guilt. The guilt was not enough to overcome the pain this girl has put me through, it was nothing to make me stop from what I had already started.

Every single pair of eyes in the room were on me in this second, watching my uncalled for actions. I hadn't truly thought this all the way through, in fact, I hadn't thought about it at all.

I wasn't thinking when I tossed back the countless shots about an hour ago, Eva handing on my arm, giggling along with my fake laughter. I wasn't thinking whenever I stumbled to my car, not allowing Eva to remove the keys to my vehicle from my hand.

I hadn't thought about much of anything this past week, nothing except for the fact that I have lost her.

"I'm sorry that I was late, I had a few things on my to-do list." I inform them, not allowing someone to interrupt my outburst before I was finished.

My eyes stare into hers intensely, her green irises shining in the light that casts onto her skin. Her brown hair was tied into a high pony tail, some pieces sticking to her skin from the slight sweat the routine made her break, her gaze moves from me, to who stands behind me and I watch as her small hands clench at her sides, her pink lips forming a straight line.

The lips that I had once claimed with mine, lips that would move in sync with mine when. Lips that would move into a smile whenever she saw me, and would form the words 'I love you' with passion.

Lips that were probably, or would most likely, be doing the same things to the boy she has been staying with this past week.

These thoughts send both anger and devastation coursing through my veins, so I continue.

"I would like to have said that I wish I had half the dedication that this team has, but I know that one teammate in particular doesn't remain dedicated to something for very long."

My words force her gaze back mine and her lips part slightly, her emotions showing clear on her face. I wanted to feel some kind of fire, something that would make me feel better about this situation, because I wanted to see her hurting the way I was hurting.

That was probably the most selfish thing I could have ever wished upon someone, but the alcohol coursing through my system was not allowing me to think the clearest, and was making me act on impulse.

A tight hand grips my arm and I am pulled through the double doors of the auditorium.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Dalton hisses as he strides through the hallway of the school, bringing me in tow with him. "You smell like a brewery, are you trying to get yourself suspended?"

"Man, let go of me." I pull my arm from his grasp forcefully, causing me to stumble backwards slightly. I ignore both his questions, rubbing my hands over the skin on my face.

"Rodger Parker." A loud voice booms from down the hallway and my eyes meet those of Coach Goldwins.

Eva backs to the wall, allowing Coach Goldwin to close the distance between us, allowing him to be face to face with me, his eyes burning with fury.

"You want to explain what the hell that was back there, young man?" he hisses, allowing his voice to be loud enough for me to understand the amount of anger he was holding, but not loud enough for those back in the auditorium to hear him.

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