Chapter 68

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Day 3

On Day 3, the world was let in on Harry's deployment and the media went absolutely nuts. There was news of his departure everywhere; pictures of him in uniform plastered all over town. It was like every medium of press was shoving it in her face; taunting her with the reality that Harry was off fighting in a war. The headlines called out to her, the news anchors spoke to her. All she could hear, all she could see was how His Royal Highness was heading right into the thick of it. And then there was the article that was released saying that he was at the top of the Taliban hit list, detailing the things that could happen to him if he was captured.

It made her want to vomit.

And the paparazzi—the paparazzi was all over her. It was so much worse than when they were trying to figure out her name, it was so much bigger than when they thought they had nude photos of her. They were absolutely everywhere. They waited outside of her place. They were at the entrance of her parking lot at work. They were stationed outside of the clubs and restaurants she and Harry had been to. They knew where she got her hair done, they knew where she liked to buy her groceries. They knew the tiny little bookstore she liked to peruse at leisure. They were everywhere. And they were relentless with their questions.

How is Harry? Where is Harry? Does he call you? Are you worried? Is he still okay? Do you miss him?

Do you miss him? Are you out of your fucking mind? She wanted to yell—though she never did. They were everywhere with their inane questions, their invasions of her space, of her privacy, of her God given right to grieve his departure and be depressed until he returned.

It made her want to break things.

Day 5

On Day 5, Harry's friends began to settle around her; circle the wagons. Ella had always been there, from day one—sleeping over the first two nights and taking Maddie to her home the next. But on Day 5, Harry's friends rallied.

Bishop was first—Bishop was always. When he showed up at her office door that day, after a long day with clients, Maddie was so shocked to see him, she almost knocked him over as she hurried past him.

When he told her his car was parked in the parking garage, and that the press had no idea that he drove a car, much less what it looked like, she felt the very beginnings of an emotional melt down. And when he tossed her his keys and told her she could drive it until the press figured her out—at which time he would switch it out for something else—she had to sit down in her chair to keep from falling.

She didn't care what snarky comments Harry made about Bishop, she loved this man. And she knew Harry did too.

Next it was Penelope. Her sister's best friend's roommate worked at the salon Maddie frequented. And, as a result of some sordid tale from university, she was still in debt to Penelope. Calling in that favor, she invited Maddie over to her place where, over a bottle of wine, they both enjoyed manicures, pedicures, and a full cut and color. As silly as it seemed, the pampering made Maddie feel like a new woman. And she didn't have to hide behind a magazine or sneak in the back door to make it happen.

They were all there; Leo offering a safe, press-free haven and a booth in the back for the nights she wanted to come out, and sending food home for her to enjoy on the nights when she didn't.

Kiki and Sean returned from their honeymoon and stepped right onto the defensive team that surrounded Maddie. They were all there; Ella, Bishop, Kiki, Sean, Penelope, Anne, Leo. They were there to pull her through the crowds, there to help shield the onslaught of cameras and, when she couldn't handle it, they were there with a bottle of tequila.

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