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When I woke up I didn't go and brush my teeth I just stayed in bed I didn't feel like going to school because I didn't want to see him or lily or josh they are so weird.

I look outside the window there it is again I feel like I am being watched. I should be scared but Im not I am not a weak person no more I need to learn how to protect myself from other people. If there is a life lesson that I learn is too never trust nobody because you just end up hurting yourself.

"1...2...3....4" I drop my arms and I went to the bathroom and i brush my teeth. I walked downstairs to see my grandmother all dressed up " grandmother where are you going " she smiles " my break has ended I'm going back to work I have ask a few days off because i was worried about you so now that I know you are okay being here I am going to my job"

She tells me I nodded she came and gave me a kiss on the cheek " bye " she said and I said bye too. I put my chin on the table and I looked around. Is he still here? I ask myself.

" what are you doing " I jump up when I heard his voice I hold my beating heart " jeez " I told myself he smiles " why aren't you dressed for school " he tells me fuck I need to think of something.

" I am not feeling well my stomach hurts a lot" I said he looks at me and he is right next to me " how much it hurts do you need a doctor let me go and get a doctor" he was about to leave and I grab his arm. " please can you take me to my room please." He looks at me and picks me up.

Wow he is very strong and hands- what the hell am I saying snap out of it jade. He opens my room and gently puts me down he sits next to me and he was about to lift up my shirt when I slap his hand away.

" don't touch me" I said he looks at me with pain in his eyes but he quickly masks it he was about to stand up when I grab him again " um... I was wondering if lily can come because I want to apologize to her I should have never made her cry please " he looks at me with proud in eyes? But why.

" I'm going to call her wait a minute" and he walks out I stood up and pat my back this is going great I lay back down when I heard a girl voice she is here that was fast. I lay down and I look at lily when the door open.

" I'm soo sorry lily please..forgive me" I let tears drop from my eyes I can be such a great actress sometimes lily came running towards me and she hugs me " it okay I forgive you it alright " I hug her and I smirk I look up to see the door close when I pull away. " let start over" she tells me and I nod.

She looks around the room and she says " nice room " I nodded " hey um where is Xavier " she looks at me and smiles " he had to do something but he will be back in a little while" I nodded time to start my mission.

" hey I was wondering if I can show you this cool place that I know of" she nods and I stood up " I brought my car with me jade" and I nodded we walk outside and too her car. I got on and I drove her car.

It was pretty far away and that when I saw the place " lily I want to show you something but it a secret that I keep hidden from everyone else okay " she nods slowly and we got out we walked inside.

She looks around " so what is it" she ask me I smile I go right next to her and I punch her she goes down on the ground I pick her up and I punch her again I lift her and I tied her up with the handcuffs.

She looks at me " why are you doing this...." she asks me out of breath I smile " because the only way I can know about what Xavier wants with me I had to do this in order for him to come now where is your phone." She shakes her head and I kick her hard on the stomach.

" okay okay fine it in my back pocket " I go and take it out I unlocked the phone and I called Xavier he picks up " hello?" I go on the floor and I put it on speaker " speak " I said she coughs " Xavier..." she says out of pain. " who is that is that lily baby." I heard josh said. I move away and I speak "hello you are speaking to jade stone and here is the deal Xavier you need to tell me about what you and my grandmother was talking about."

I said " if you don't I will continue on hurting her It not hard for me to kill her since this isn't my first time." I said and I hang up. " now shall we wait" I said she glares at me.

I heard people yelling and the door breaks down Xavier came with josh when josh saw lily he was about to hit me but Xavier stops him " jade please let her go and we will talk okay." I look at him and I smiled I look at lily and I slap her. " how about you tell me right here there is nothing to ashamed off."

I said he shakes his head " stop doing this I know you are a nice girl but you are scared to come off your shell " he said I shake my head " lies" I said he steps forward " you don't want to admit it but you are scared of what you become " I look at him and I turn around and I sprint off.

I heard him yelling my name but it was too late I fell and the sharp thing went through my skin I yell and I rolled on the floor. I heard people yelling saying " Luna,luna" but it was too late.

Maybe I can finally be with my parents again.....

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