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It been a couple of months that the whole situation happened and it been pretty calm me and Xavier found out we are having twin boys he was going crazy and he is happy "baby stop the room looks perfect."

I turn my head and I saw Xavier looking at me with worry eyes and I shrug "just a little more details and it will be perfect " I said I was moving stuff around the room until I am picked up I scream and I look at Xavier who was smiling like crazy.

" wow that is a nice way to make me stop" he nods he goes to our room and puts me down on the bed I also notice the plate of bacon and eggs I grab it and I ate it all "thank you " he smirks. He comes closer to me and touches my big belly.

" I can give birth at any day" I said and he nods "I'm scared " I told him honestly and I look at my nails "why are you scared I will be with you every step of the way you know that right?" He looks at me and I looked at him "what if I can't push our pups out what if something bad happens to them because of me."

He shakes his head "nothing bad will happen ok" I look at him unsure but I shrug I stood up "I'm going to walk around " I said "not outside right" I glare at him but I nodded "yup not outside go do your work alpha " I said and I close the door.

I go upstairs to the library and I look at all the old and dusty books that are here they most be a thousand years old I scoff and I coughed "okay time to step away from the dusty books" I went to another adventure. I go inside a room and then I see Lucas "hey there fellow."

He smiles at me "hey so how is everything " I smile "great" I touch my stomach "I can't wait to see my pups" he nods and looks around the room "hey I never got the chance to ask you this but do you have a mate." He nods "aww that is great when can a meet her."

He shakes his head "I don't think that will be a great idea because she is jealous of you and because I barley see her because I need to protect you so I don't think that will be a great idea " I look at "you should be with her don't leave your mate all along in your home I'm okay Lucas I got my mate that is looking after me and if I need help I will call you."

"Are you sure " I nodded "so is she human " he shakes his head " she is half werewolf and half vampire " "wow Lucas you are lucky " he smiles "she drives me crazy but I love her" and he stays quiet I move closer to him "go Lucas be with her." He looks at me and disappears.

I smile at myself "great job ja..." I go do on the floor and I felt myself wet "fuck ...not now XAVIER HELP!" I yell I look at the floor it time to see my beautiful pup I heard heavy footsteps and I see Xavier out of breath he looks at me and at the floor.

"Pups" I said and he gently picks me up and in aa flash we are at the doc I start screaming from the pain I see the doc and a few nurses came and with a scissor they open my pants "Push Luna push." I start to push and I groan out I take a deep breath and push.

Xavier was right next to me and he was holding my hands "come on jade just a little more" he said and I continue to push with all my night and that when I heard a baby crying I look at my pup and he was beautiful I turn around and I see Xavier and he was crying.

"Okay Luna push again " and I did it all over again and I heard my other pup they were identical twins it a miracle. I breath in deeply and out again I see the nurses putting a blanket on them and Xavier stood up and he carefully took one of them in his arms the other nurse gently puts him on my chest.

I gasp and I look at my pups they were so small and fragile "I love you jade and I love our pups" said Xavier and I smile " what going to be there names" he ask me "Robert" he smiles and looks at the one in his arms "Robert" " and this one will be chase" he nods "beautiful "

There was a knock on the door and josh and lily came In "omg jade they are so beautiful " i nodded lily came and touch the back of chase hairs chase moves around but he doesn't cry.

Me and lily talk about how to change their diapers and also she showed me how to feed them and I did one at a time Xavier burps chase and I do the same to Robert they didn't cry at once and I was surprised they are both very quiet.

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