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That next morning I woke up excited I got of the bed and I went to the mirror and I look at the mark it looks like I got a tattoo on my neck their was a black wolf howling at the moon and the mark continues down to my shoulders and it stops.

I brush my teeth and I go to where Xavier was he was lying down on the bed using his phone I go on him and I I rest my head on my hands " Xavier I love my mark I love it soo much." He stops using his phone and he smiles.

" well you welcome me and my wolf are happy that you like our mark" I move closer to him and I gave him a kiss but of course he wouldn't let me go and he wraps his arms around my body and continue on kissing me until my stomach growl and it killed the mood.

I got off him and he stood up he looks at me and gets closer towering over me. He moves my long hair away from my face " their that better now all the males won't try to touch you because of this mark." He touches my mark and I felt sparks.

" okay every boys knows what the consequences will be if they touch me." I said and I pull him too the door and we walk downstairs and too the kitchen and I see the maids doing their job and cleaning and cooking.

We got our breakfast and we ate in quiet when we were done I heard little screams and I saw 4 boys running around and laughing. Until one of them fell down and starts crying I got up.

And go to him and I pick him up I look around his small body to see if he is hurt anywhere " hey hey it okay are you alright?" I ask him he opens his eyes " Luna jade I hurt myself." I nodded and I pick him up .

I go outside and I put him on the floor " hey what your name?" " ian" i nod " ian that a great name for a strong boy like you" he stops crying " strong you think I am strong Luna?" I nodded " you are strong I believe on you."

" ahh" I heard the other small boys running " run alpha Xavier is coming." Ian looks at me and runs towards the woods I stand up "be careful don't go far." Then I saw Xavier in his wolf form he stops and he purrs I go on the floor and I gave him a kiss on the nose.

He howls in a happy way and he runs towards the woods this is my happiness I am in peace I have a place to call my home I have a man that I love with all my life what more I can ask for.

"Pup" I jump up because I heard Xavier voice but he wasn't around me "I'm in your head I can hear what you are thinking or I feeling." " that sounds scary but I like." " so what do you think jade about having a pup?" Ask Xavier " i don't know I'm scared that I won't be a good mother to our pup." I said " you will be an amazing mother don't think that way."

He said I stood up and I felt like crying he always knew how to make me feel different emotions I walk to the woods "Xavier" I call his name and then I am picking up I knew it was Xavier and I hug him " why are you feeling sad."

He ask me " because you know how to make me feel sad and happy your words are always moving my heart in a good way and I love you." I said I am always saying that I love him like a dozen times.

Then it was quiet until I felt something poking me I look at Xavier " do you have pants on?" I ask him he smirks and shakes his head.  " XAVIER let me down put on something mister what if a she wolf sees what is mine." He smirks but nods.

I turn my head around and I can hear shuffling and then Xavier was in front of me he only had shorts on and his six packs were on full display i put my hand on his chest and it was hard.

I trail my hand on his body admiring it " stop" he said out of breath and I smile and I continue then I heard a lustful growl I look at Xavier and his eyes were black and I stop and I hug him to calm him down.

" sure" I said " sure about what." I took a deep breath " I want to have a family with you Xavier." I said and he was grinning he takes me in his arms and twirls around he was really excited.

If he is happy then I am happy...

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