All hell broke loose

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I saw most of my pack members that I know by there wolf colors and then I saw lily and and josh coming out there were growling and snarling but the one that catch my attention was my mate he looked so scary and dangerous but to me he was very sexy at this moment.

" you fucking bitch " they said one of them came closer and rip my shirt off I scream because my stomach was on full display and the scats were grinning and saying "yes" i heard tons of growling coming from my pack I start to tear up I was shaking with fear I just want this to be over already.

Then I saw the man that was always with me then I saw the birth mark then I remembered "LUCAS" he look at me and smiles "you remember " I smile then I was hit in the face Xavier well Justin growl and came closer.

I look at Lucas and I nodded that when he shifted and instead of Lucas it was a black panther " impossible i thought they were dead" Lucas growls " you thought wrong" he said I smirk Lucas is a special kind of supernatural he can change to a black panther and a lion there are known as kin.

But he is the first one to be born he is the master of all the kin out there me and him have a special connection because he promised me to keep me safe and protect me. I look at him and I nodded that when he ran and started to attack and that when all hell broke loose.

Everyone was fighting and all of the wolves they came to my side and fought every scats and also the people who kidnap me was long dead I felt exhausted a lot of things happen and my pack one "Lucas help" I said he walked towards me and bit of the chains i sat down and that when I saw Xavier he came running and he pick me up and he carefully hug me.

" I was so scared Xavier I miss you like crazy" he pats my head " it all over now you are safe and our pup to but later we are going to have discussions about keeping that from me" he said and I nodded " jade" I turn my head and I saw Lucas.

Xavier growls " you may have helped me find my mate but you haven't told me the reason why you helped me and how you know her" he said blocking me from view which wasn't a good idea because Lucas growl " you may be her mate but I have to protect her from any sort of danger and if you don't let me well it will end up badly...."

He said getting closer and they started arguing "stop Xavier he is only trying to protect me he was the one that found me" Xavier turns his head to me and doesn't say anything " me and jade have a connection I will forever be in her debt well I must go jade just call my name and I will be there."

I nodded "Xavier can we..." I hold my stomach something is wrong "Xavier Xavier " I yell he came to my side and lily and josh rush to me " Luna" they all said and I look at them and I close my eyes feeling very tired from everything.

The lost thing I said is "save pup" I had this feeling that my pup is in danger.........

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