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When I woke up I saw Xavier sitting on the little desk " what are you doing?" He turns around and smiles at me " good morning go wash up." I nodded and I go to the bathroom and I did my morning routine.

When I walk out he wasn't there so I decided to go downstairs I go to the kitchen and I saw him making breakfast and I smile does it mean he wants me now. When he was done he gave me the food and I ate it happily.

It was very quiet but it was a comfortable quiet he stands up and comes to my side and grab my food " thank you" he nods and he goes back to the kitchen he grabs my hand and we walk outside I stop and he turns around " I don't have proper clothes " he looks at me and all of a sudden he picks me up.

I scream and he starts laughing he opens the door and runs really fast I hold on to him and then he stops running and I look around we were next to a river he puts me down and I look around" Xavier this is beautiful."

He smiles and nods " do you know what is more beautiful " I shake my head " you" I laugh " that is so cheesy" he smirks and he starts taking his clothes off " what are you doing." " I don't want to wet my clothes when I go inside the river duh."

He said " well I am not taking off my clothes soo." I said then he was next to me and he lightly pushes me in the water I scream and I hold my breath and I was inside the water I swam back up when I heard a splash.

I look around and I didn't see Xavier " Xavier where are you?" I kept on turning my hand when my feet was grab I scream and I turn around only to come face to face with Xavier he starts laughing and I pouted " it not funny." I said glaring at him.

I didn't even notice when our face was very close to each other I also didn't notice when he lean over and his lips were on mind at first I look at him wide eyed but then I close my eyes I felt him pull me even more closer and he starts kissing me very hard I wrap my legs on him.

And we continue on kissing me even though he was going fast he was very gentle we then stop to catch our breath our nose was touching and we were breathing very hard " let go" he said I got off him and I got out the water I waited for him and when he got out he carried me to the house.

We were in his room in a flash he puts me down and he close the door he looks at me and I go to him very slowly I look at his chest and I wrap my arms around him and he crashes his lips with mine he bends down and grabs my legs and I wrap it on him.

I am pin on the wall and with one of his hands he starts touching me everywhere I moan out and he growls he goes on my neck and starts to suck on it " Xavier" I said breathing heavily he looks at me and smirks then my shirt was ripped off I gasped.

And I start to feel self conscious because my boobs have gotten bigger then it was before he grabs one of them and starts massaging it I hold on and I moan in  pleasure I don't know what happened but next think I know I was on the floor and Xavier was on the other side of the room.

" please go take a shower " I look at him confused but I do I go in the shower and I wash myself and I got out " I left your clothes here for you " he said and I heard the door open and close I got out and I put it on. I go and I look for him and I see him in the living room.

"Where are we going?" He sees me and stands up " just go home jade please " i stare at him in shock " w..why?" I ask him he sighs and moves around " because you shouldn't have been here and all of this happened.

I felt like my heart was breaking " so are you saying that this was all a mistake that the kiss didn't mean anything to you." I said to him he looks at me but doesn't say anything. " are cruel you know that right I hate you Xavier I can't believe I gave you my first kiss and everything too you what more do you want."

He turns away and starts to walk away when I grab him and I slap his face at first he didn't do anything but he growls at me " don't disrespect me mate or not you will show respect!" He yells I shake my head " you are not my alpha I don't need to show you respect and I thought me and you are equal."

I take a deep  breath " but I guess we are not because a mate wouldn't be breaking their luna heart and telling her to leave that very mean I am scared of being alone but you  don't care at all Xavier I let you kiss me because.."

" because I fucking LOVE YOU " his eyes grew wide " I have always love you ever since the day I met you but I was good at hiding it but I guess...this is one step" I said walking away he calls my name and ask me " one step of what?" I look at him and one tear drops down my face.

" to forget about you because I know you don't want me no more Xavier it okay I have learned my lesson even though it hurts to admit it.. and Xavier go find that lucky normal girl for your self I want you to treat her right and love her with all your heart because I don't fit being a Luna so I am going to do the one thing that you want."

I said " I'm going to leave bye Xavier." I walked away slowly because I thought he would snap out of it and hold me but he didn't this is what he wanted and this is what he is getting. I hold on to my car because I felt dizzy.

But I open it and I drive really fast I felt my eyes close and open by it self until I couldn't leave my eyes open and I felt my whole car flying in the air and until the water it was sinking down farther but u didn't move I left myself drown. Maybe he will be happy.

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