Wolf fight

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I was the first one to wake up and Xavier was still sleeping and he still had a strong grip on me I sigh " XAVIER!" I scream I feel him growl and he covers me and I look at him and I laugh.

He glares at me " don't do that " I pouted " I want to stand up and you wouldn't let me." I said and I shrug I stood up and then I look back at him he was to busy staring at my behind. " Xavier come on let go and brush our teeth."

He snaps out of it and stands up we go to the bathroom and I put the paste on my toothbrush and I notice that he wasn't brushing his teeth but he was touching my butt.i move away and he growls and pulls me towards him.

" brush your teeth sir." He growls again his eyes turning black it was very hot " you are my mate jade we are not strangers" I nodded and I hug him I turn around and I rinse my mouth and he starts brushing his teeth when he was done he gave me a shirt and shorts to wear.

And I did I love wearing clothes that are his because it smells like him " where I my good morning kiss." He said while wrapping his arms around me I turn around and I thought about it " what good morning kiss?" He growls and I smirk.

I go on my tip toes and I lightly bite his bottom lip and I suck on it I guess he liked it because he was groaning and I was pulled to him he immediately took control and he puts his tongue inside I wrap my arms around him and he picks me up.

He goes under my shirt and grips my boobs I gasped and he moves to the bed I was thrown lightly on the bed and he lifts my shirt up and goes on my stomach and kiss it I played with his hair while he continues.but I thought it was just a kiss that he wanted not all of this.

But I didn't mind at all I just want to be happy with him" Xavier " I said moaning out his name he comes up and kiss me while one of his hand goes under my back. Then he stops I look at him confused.

" I'm going to stop I won't be able to control my wolf " he says " oh okay then let go downstairs " he nods I put my shirt down and we both walk out we go to the kitchen to see two maids had a plate with breakfast." Luna and alpha here you go." I nodded he has maid?

I sat down and I ate my food with him next to me when we were done I grab his plate and mine and I put it on the sink I go to Xavier and I sit on him " so what are we doing today" he sighs " I have pack stuff that I need to do why don't you look around but don't go to the forest." He says and I nodded

I stand up and we go our separate ways I go outside and I see kids and mothers playing around I smile I wonder how lily and her pup is doing I haven't visit her in a long while I was spending my time with my mate. I heard a howl inside the forest.

And ignore it but the howl came again and I sigh and  I went inside I look around to where the noise is coming from when I was pinned down I screamed because my head hit the tree shit. The wolf has red eyes it was a rogue.

He/she growl at me trying to scare me I look around and I saw a rock and I threw it to him and I ran back to the opening and I scream " Xavier help." I didn't have no weapons on me. Then I was on the floor rolling I saw the wolf about to come at me when he was knocked down I saw a black wolf.

It was Xavier and he was fighting with the wolf " Luna " I heard someone said and helps me up I wince " Luna you are bleeding come let go" I shake my head " no I am not leaving my mate to fight with that mutt." I said.

" Luna the alpha will kill the mutt don't worry " I don't move but I scream when Xavier was on the ground "Xavier!" I yell and I ran towards the wolf and I push him off Xavier growls and he quickly stands up blocking me from the mutt then he runs and goes in for the kill.

I look at the dead mutt and I see Xavier instead of him in his wolf form I stand up and I see a cut on his arm " are you alright jade." I nodded " are you alright Xavier " " don't worry about me" he said walking away but I stop him " no I will worry because what if you would have..been killed "

I don't know why I feel so vulnerable when I am with Xavier I was immediately hug by him and I hug him back " it okay baby I will let the doc check me alright" he nods and we both go down the hall and into a room where there was hospital beds.

" alpha oh dear come here right now." Said a female doctor she was young like probably our age Xavier sat down and she immediately starts to check up on him I was getting jealous because she was being to touchy and when she lifts his shirt I stood up.

" okay that enough " she bows to me and I grab his hand we both walk out and i heard Xavier laughing he let's go of me and he starts laughing his laugh is very beautiful It bringing music to my ear.

" it not funny I didn't like the way she was getting all touchy you are mine and only mine." I said and walk away only to be grab and I was in the wall Xavier was smirking " I'm yours?" He ask and I nodded biting my lip he saw what I was doing and he growls.

" and you are mine to jade" I look at him confused " I'm I?" His eyes turn black and he growls and I smirk. " you are MINE!" He says well demands and I nodded " I am yours." And I kiss him but of course he holds on to me and doesn't let me go.

" woah " I stop and I see josh " so when did this happen jade and Xavier care to explain " I thought about it and I said no he shrugs and walks away." Next time we will do all of this in our room not in the hallway that was very embarrassing." I said covering my face on his chest.

" okay then let go to our bed." He said and picks me up I laugh and we were in our room and he starts tickling me the whole time when he was done we made small conversation and we turn on the tv and watch a movie the rest of the night.

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