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Tch stupid wolf I was currently walking around my house when I saw a wolf but I thought he was from a pack but turns out he was a rouge I picked up his dead wolf body and I hid it inside the bushes.

I go inside to my lovely home and I say I am back but of course there isn't any one there since I don't live with them no more. Ever since that day that Xavier was killed my heart felt broken I am not completely sure why was I feeling this way.

I told myself I don't love or care about him but on that day I cried because of his death. And then next day I woke up I trained myself very hard because I wanted to be able to protect myself and it took a long while for me to be the way I am now.

I am 21 years old now and If you seen me know you would start laughing like crazy because I don't look like the vulnerable weak jade no more I have gotten stronger and my eyes look alive, I also quit the job I am not with Ajax anymore and I don't live with them.

I told them I want to be independent and I can't do this no more but they knew that deep down inside I was hurt. So they let me go. I walk in to my room and I took my shirt off and pants off and I go on my bed I turn off the lamps light off and I went to sleep.

When I woke up I did my normal usually routine and I went downstairs I put on my shoes and I walked inside my car I have decided to eat out today so I parked my car in the small restaurant that called " Jon restaurant "

When I walk inside I felt like I was a celebrity since everyone was looking at me u gave them all a death glare and they turn back around and started talking " welcome how many people? I smile and said " one" the woman tells me to follow her and I do she points to a seat and I sat on it.

I look at the breakfast menu and I look to see what I wanted there was blueberry pancakes and pancakes with banana and strawberries since I wasn't feeling that hungry I decided on just a plain simple pancake.when the lady finally returns I tell her what I want and she wrote it down on the notebook.

Now I just had to wait for the food I was actually surprised that my food didn't take very long to be make because the lady was already coming towards me with the food she puts the food down and says "enjoy."

And walks away I grab the fork and the butter knife and I start to eat the food was very amazing it was very good and delicious. I look outside the window and I saw a werewolf looking at me I didn't know why but he/she looks so familiar.

The wolf looks at me and turns around I put the money down and I walk away to go outside. When I was outside I ran really fast and I was inside the woods when I was deep inside the woods I look around and I yell " come out who are you" there was no noise.

"Show your self" that when I heard a movement to my right I looked and my eyes opened wide" jo..josh is that you?" I look at the grown man and he nods he has gotten way taller and very muscular I wonder how Xavier will look.

I shake my head " so how are you" he ask me " I'm good " he nods and looks down " are you still with them" he was asking if I was still with the group. I look at him and I shake my head " I left the group" I said josh hesitated and looks at me "why?" I shrug.

After they had killed Xavier I was angry and sad I didn't want to be with them and they respected my decision,but I want to know why you left him to fight his own battle" he looks at me in a sad way " he wanted to die jade the rejection of you was too much he didn't want to live and he ordered us to leave."

I go closer to josh and I grab his hand " josh I'm sorry for everything that I have done to your mate I was very broken at that time and maybe a little bit crazy" he looks at me and nods and gives me a smirk."so how is she." He gives the biggest smile ever.

" well she is pregnant with our second child " my eyes opened and I smile " congratulations josh I am so happy for you" he nods " well you should probably go back to your pack your mate probably needs help." He nods when he was just about to walk away.

It just cross my mind how did he know I was here?"hey josh " he turns around " yes jade" I look at him "how did you know I was here at this restaurant " I don't know why but he looked frightened he looks around and then at me " I was blowing my steam off a pack member made me angry and so I was just walking back home and I saw." He was nodding a lot.

"Oh well okay then tell lily I said hey" he nods I see him shift and of course his pants and shirt came off. He howl but it was more like a happy howl and I smirk he looks happy I'm glad that I have gotten to see him.

If only Xavier was alive I would be able to tell him I'm sorry. I walk back inside my car and I drove home when I parked inside my house I turn the engine off and I went out of my car I open my door and I went inside.

I go up to my room and I lay down I wonder how my grandmother is I bet she won't want to see me because of what i have done I'm such a bad person if only I could have another chance to be able to see my grandmother and Xavier he has suffered to much.

And look what happened to him I bet if he was alive he would be angry at me I bet he wouldn't want to see me. But he has to understand that I wasn't me when I was younger I have really changed. I sigh and I started to do my work in my computer.

And I wasn't finished until the night time I drank my last bit of water and I close my computer and I went to sleep holding on to my other pillow for some reason the room has gotten colder like if someone opened my window but I ignore it and just continue on sleeping.

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