Girl fight

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" hey lily hey josh hey pj" I said when I pass by them I was currently on my way towards Xavier work room because I miss him so much I walk up the steps and I stop and I heard a woman voice.

" come on I'm your real mate not no stupid weak human" I heard Xavier growl " don't talk about your luna that way before I make you regret it." He yells yes Xavier." Oh please do I want it rough like before." She said in a high pitch voice.

Eww stupid slut " okay that it get out." He yells I go downstairs and I walk back up when I was walking I saw her and she dares to roll her eyes bitch. I enter the door and I saw Xavier.

" hey baby" I said smiling he smiles at me " hello there" I go and I sit on him and I gave him a kiss he smiles " so what are you doing " " you know alpha stuff like always I'm sorry I am never there in the mornings when you wake up jade." I shake my head.

" it alright i understand you are busy" he shakes his head " I'm never to busy " he said and breaths in my scent which calm him down" come let go josh is about to watch a movie " he tells me and I nod and I got of him we walk downstairs and I saw josh and lily next to each other with pj.

And her other pup was on the crib Xavier goes on the floor and I go on the middle and I lay my back on his chest he hugs me and with one of his arm he grabs a blanket and wraps it around me.  I start to jump up when the ghost starts to pop up I don't know how but I was sitting on Xavier and I hand my head on his chest.

" eww what the fuck is this" I heard the same slutty voice I look and I saw her standing next to the door. " light get the fuck out." Xavier said " why I am just saying what I think about her she is a disgrace a human luna disgusting." That when I heard a low growl I see josh and lily and my mate growling at her.

I stood up " what are you doing jade" I turn my head and I shake my head " so light you think that I am weak and disgusting " she smiles and nods well she has another thing coming " I totally agree I know I am weak but are you sure" she nods.

" ok bitch" I punch her hard on the face and I think I heard a bone crack she falls on the floor I heard Xavier yell my name and I continue on punching her then she grabs my hair and I hit the floor hard she punches me and I move around and I kick her she goes on the ground.

And I got a good punch until I was picked up I know it was Xavier because of the sparks " Xavier let me at her I will show her who she is talking to her" I said and I kept on moving " you fucking bitch you broke my nose " she tells me and I continue on struggling " lock her up" he says and I knew that wasn't Xavier voice it was a more deeper huskily voice.

" let me go " I said " "no dear mate why would you do that." He said and he turns me around " really she was telling me I'm weak and not fit to be the luna you thought i would stay shut?" He shakes his head " you didn't have to show  that you are not weak because me and Xavier we both you are not."

He says I nodded I can feel a liquid coming down" come let me clean you" I nodded he puts me on the couch " are you alright jade " I look at josh and I nodded " where is lily." " we'll let just say she went to cool down her wolf is angry for what happened to you." I nod.

" what about you." He nods " yeah me and my wolf we hated that she didn't show respect to you but I know how to control him" I nodded and I see Xavier came in the room with a first aid kit.

" what is your name Xavier never told me your name." He smiles " Justin" I nodded " I love your names" he nods and he starts to work his magic I wince " sorry baby "I nodded and he continues and next was my hand and my arm he patch it up and I was done.

He stands up and takes me towards the room and he locks the door I am picking up and he kisses me he grabs my boobs and I moan out " you need to get punished little mate." He growls I can feel him come even more closer my clothes were rip off and I gasp.

He then stops and I see it was Xavier " story about Justin he gets a little bit excited and rough at the same time." I nodded and I wrap my arms on him and I gave him a kiss he holds me and lays me down on the bed and he stops kissing me " rest little mate a lot has happened tonight " and I nodded he takes his pants and shirt off he turns of the lights.

And he wraps his arm around me and I go closer towards him and I went to sleep.

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