ch 1: interview

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Authors note: warning this is a story about a depressed and abused oc.
I finished cutting the last strand of my long midnight hair and tossed it in the trash, where the rest of my hair was. I looked at the mirror and saw my mismatch eyes stairing back at me. Now my hair were a pixy cut, bad thing is that my parents are going to start insulting me, because I look like a boy a bit, but I didn't care.
I pulled back my long sleeve shirt and got my bag. Today was my interview at Fazbear's pizzaria, but to be honest I wouldn't care if I got the job or not. At this point I didn't have much of a choice either since I turned 21.

I got my keys out and quietly walked through the living room where my father was past out with beer bottles on the table. I was careful not to wake him and closed the front door gently, then locked it.

By the time I made it to the pizzeria the place was packed with cars and people. I found a parking spot in the back and went to the front doors of the pizzeria which was open, because of the long line that stretched outside. The smell of pizza and sweets hit my nose as soon as I entered the building, with children screaming and running around. Their parents looked overwhelmed with their children's behaver, but I tried to find an employee as best I could.

For a place that was bright and cheery made me feel slightly sick. It looked like a rainbow threw up everywhere and even on the animatronics that looked creepy as hell. I dodge some children that almost ran into me, but now I was getting some strange stares from parents.

I was use to this because of my strange look. I mean not that many people have midnight hair or mismatch eyes; one being white and the other being light blue. I was teased throughout my life because of my look....some of my childhood seemed like a blur. The only good part of my childhood I remember is my mother before she left and never came back.

Ever since my step mother came into my life she changed everything and nothing has ever been the same. She sucked the life out of me and my father, now I feel like an empty shell with no amount of life left I wish I could just di-.

I accidently ran into something hard and I lost my balance. looks like I was too deep into my thoughts to pay attention again. I almost fell down if I haven't got my balance again. I looked up at the person I bump into, but...he had a big, red phone for a head. looks like I'm losing my mind now, but he turned around. His arms was bandaged up like mine and it looked like he worn a blue security uniform. He had a Fazbear's logo on his shirt, so I figured he must have been security.

"I-I'm so sorry, "a masculine voice said."...uh I didn't s-see you their."

"It's fine I guess,"I said in a whisper."I'm just looking for your manager's office. I am here for an interview"

"Oh! It's right over their, "he pointed to a door next to the show stage."By the way I'm Scott."

"I'm blair....are you a security guard?" I asked a bit curious.

He nodded. "I'm the head security guard here."

I nodded, "okay...anyway I have to go,"i started to walk to the closed office door he pointed to.

I looked towards the animatronics and they started to walk off stage. I didn't know that could happen, it must be new. I knocked on the door to the boss's office until I heard a faint 'come in.' I opened it and saw a middle age man sitting at his desk, smoking a cigar. He put his pen down and looked up from his paperwork.

"Ah! Blair! Your just in time," he said in a deep voice.

I closed the door behind me and took a seat in the chair in front of the desk.

"So your here for what position?" He asked as he got up and went to the filing cabinet.

"Daytime security gaurd,"I  mumble a bit.

"Oh good,"he got papers out."We need more daytime guards. We just moved Scott to daytime and we need one more person."

So the boss played the 20 questions with me which was annoying, but I pushed through it. Afterwards when he was satisfied he got out some paper work for me.

"You got the job!" he mumbled through his cigar. "Now I just need you to sign these formswhile I get your uniform."

The boss turned in his seat and went to a box in the corner as I scooted up my chair to his desk. I took the pen he gave me and sign the papers with my personal information on it, plus sign a contract. He placed a blue uniform with black slacks and a utility belt and placed them on the desk.

"Scott is the head security gaurd so he will be training you tomorrow," he explained. "Be here for 8:00 morning with your uniform on.

I nodded as he took the signed papers and put them in the filing cabinet. I got my security uniform and he turned back to his papers he was writing on previously. I took my leave and exited the office and back to the children chaos that was in the main room. I went back home to my house and placed my uniform on my bed. I layed down and played video games and went to sleep until the next morning.

Lost Roads (WARNING!! DEPRESSED, ABUSED OC)Where stories live. Discover now