CH 8: First Date

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********************************Blair's POV*******************************

My eyes fluttered open, but I was first met with throbbing pain in my head as if I hit it against the wall. I sat up which was regrettable and looked down to see a shattered bear bottle scattered on the floor. Unfortunately I started to feel something wet and warm on my hand, I looked at it to see blood dripping down from a cut on my hand that I had since last time, plus my phone looked to be broken. Great now it will take me forever to get a new phone, but I remember the date with Scott I have today. I quickly got up to head to my bathroom along with getting some cloths in the bathroom.

I looked at the clock to see it was 11:00, so I had to rush this before he showed. I couldn't believe I was knocked out for that long.

I turned on my shower and started to peel my cloths off of me as I looked up at the mirror. A broken and sad girl stared back and I noticed my head also was bleeding a bit , but it seemed easy to clean. I had to remove the bandages from my arms so I could shower and threw them away. I took my time in the shower for 30 minutes before I got out to relief the headache I had and to relax myself. The only thing that bothered me is that if my parents knew I went on the date with Scott then they will do something bad to me then the abuse they usually do. I felt scared to do it at first, but I wanted to at the same time...I never felt like this before and wanted to experience it...I just had to be careful.

To bad I couldn't call Scott about what to wear because of my phone, though I worn black skinny jeans with black military boots and a platted shirt with blue tank top as an undershirt. Not to mention I worn a purple beanie that was worn loosely on my head. After satisfied with my look I made sure my bandages were on my arms, before poking my head out of my door to look down the hall and made sure my parents where no where to be found.

The house seemed so quite I almost heard the ticking of the clock downstairs, which is a good sign. This told me my parents where passed out from drinking most likely, so I walked out my room, closing it behind me. I walked down the hall as quite as possible because I didn't need to face my parents this morning, but I flinched when I heard a floorboard squeak slowly.

I didn't realize I've been holding my breath until I finally made it outside after sneaking around. With relaxed shoulders I made my way to the sidewalk and started down the street to meet Scott who should be around shortly. I noticed my car wasn't in the drive way anymore, but I already knew why, so I continued my walk.

"There goes my ride," I mumbled under my breathe.

I took out some earbuds from my pocket and started to listen to my music from my little mp3 since I don't use my phone for music and good thing too. I started to get lost in my thoughts again, trying to imagine what Scott has planned for today. I hoped it wasn't too crowded, I'm not to comfortable with people I don't really know. I also remembered the night shift position at the pizzeria; I heard it pays more and that's what I need. I'm thinking I might work it, but then again Scott worked it before too, maybe he knew if it was worth it or not. On the other hand my parents would be asleep or not home at night so it would save me the anxiety on facing them everyday. 


I jumped a bit from the sudden voice and took out my earbuds, then looked up. Scott, who suprisenly didn't have his phone head on smiled at me. His black hair though was neatly brushed with his bangs parted and his glasses resting on his face. He worn a nice and very light blue, buttoned up collared shirt with only one button not buttoned, plus he worn black jeans. I could feel my face growing hot from his appearance.

"How come you don't have your phone head?" I tilted my head.

He shrugged," I thought I wouldn't wear it since I wanted to look nice for you."

I saw a bit of pink on his cheeks, but mine most likely grew darker from embarrassment.

"I didn't mind you wearing it," I gave a small smile.

"But it's more proper, "he rubbed the back of his neck.

I nodded and didn't ask anymore questions as I got into the car in the front seat. Once I closed the door Scott drove off and it got quite for a bit, but I felt too curious as to where he was taking us. I poked Scott's arm and he hummed, while keeping his eyes on the road. 

"Where are we going?" I said with curiosity in my voice.

He smiled, "it's a secret."

I sunk into the seat while making a fake pouty face as Scott chuckled softly

"Just trust me, "he glanced at me.

I nodded slowly and my eyes trailed back to the road. I started to look at the houses that came passing by, until we where on the highway; Now all I saw was trees around us. Everything seemed as if it was in slow motion at the moment as I started to rethink everything and I could feel a bit of doubt in me, but I shook my head to push away the bad thoughts again. Instead I started to think about Scott which can put my mind at ease and I didn't notice the car stop. I felt Scott tap my shoulder to where I was dragged out of my thoughts.

I gave a soft hum and brought myself back to reality.

"Yes?" I mumbled.

"We are here, "he took his keys out of the ignition.

I looked out the window again to see rows of cars in front of an amusement park with people laughing, chattering, and screaming, plus rides I can hear or see with music filling the air.

"Why are we here?" I looked back at Scott.

Scott shrugged," I thought maybe you need to have fun."

I gave a confused look.

"Just trust me please? "he placed his hand on top of mine, making me blush again.

I nodded, making him smile bigger, then we got out of the car to head for the entrance of the amusement park.

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