Ch 2: First day

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I work up to the awful buzzing of my alarm clock. I groaned and rolled to my other side and slapped the snooze puttin to seize its noise. I rubbed my tired eyes and caught sight of a picture frame On my bed side table. It was the picture of my real mother.

"Hey,"I mumbled.

I threw the covers off and got my security uniform on for the pizzaria. I pulled on the utility belt and badge on my shirt. I put on my hat in my purse along with the things I needed. It was only seven Thirty, so I had time to stop by a coffee shop.

I silently went downstairs, careful enough not to wake my parents. I didn't feel like dealing with thier insults at this moment. I jumped in my car and put on my favorite song on the radio.

I ran my fingers through my short hair and sighed. Once I made it to the coffee shop I asked for a chocolate muffin with a cappuccino. I waited for my coffee at the counter, until I felt a tap on m shoulder. I turned my head to the right.

"Hey Blair," Scott greeted. "I didn't expect to see you here, and by the looks of it you got the job."

I nodded,"I did, I got the day shift."

Scott sighed like he was relieved of something,"that's good, you wouldn't want the night's exhausting."

"The boss said you will be training me,"I got my coffee.

I took out my purse and got out my wallet to pay for the coffee and muffin.

"How come you have your arm's bandaged?"Scott pointed to my arms that was bandaged up.

I shrugged,"Why do you have your's bandaged?"

Scott shrugged also.

"So are we the only two working the day shift?" I asked curiously.

"No unfortunately Vincent is working with us," he grumbled.

Scott payed for his coffee and we sat at a table together. We started to talk for a bit and turns out we have a lot in common. It was a bit strange for me though because I barely knew anyone else who had anything in common with me, but most of all he was so easy to talk too. It was nice for once not to be the only strange person, but was that bad?

"Are your eyes heritable?" Scott asked as he stared into my eyes with fascination.

"Yes they are, my mom had the same eyes, but I get my hair color from my dad.... unfortunately," I whispered the last part as my watch beeped, telling me it was time for work.

"Looks like our talk time as come to an end,"Scott stood up.

I nodded,"ya we better get going."

We pushed in our chairs and got our coffee as I finished my muffin. We both headed to our own car and we made it to the pizzaria at the same time. The hardest part was finding a parking spot because of the grand reopening. I locked my car and took a sip of my hot coffee...I could already hear the screaming of kids and other people talking. I really wasn't the one for crowds.

Scott were waiting at the doors for me and opened them for me like a gentleman once I were at the front. Before we moved any further he started to explain what my job is to do.

"You and I are mostly going to patrol around the area to make sure kids doesn't go into the restricted areas," Scott explained. "If anything is out of place just come get me. Vincent will be in the security office monitoring the cameras all day, so if something is wrong he will talk to us through our radio...which I need to get you, plus our break is at eleven"

I nodded and understood what I had to do and like he said he gave me a radio when I need to talk to them, but he gave me the one from his belt.
"I have another one in the office," he said.

I put the radio on my utility belt and turned it on to the channel I needed. I could hear a little strange static from from but it stopped as soon as it started.

"So this is the new girl?"

A new voice said and it made me look up too see another security gaurd who towered over me with a smirk. He stood next to Scott with his hands lazily behind his back. His skin were dark and he had purple hair with white eyes (with pupils!!!!). He looked older then me or Scott.
"This is Blair," Scott introduced. "Blair this is Vincent"

"She's a cute little kitten"Vincent's smirk got wider as Scott shook his head in aggravation.

I could feel my cheeks burn a bit from the compliment. I bet I was blushing right now, but it make Vincent smile more and creepy. I looked away a bit.

"She is only here to work,"Scott folded his arms.


Scott grumbled,"get your head out of the gutter."

Vincent laughed a bit because of Scott's mood and walked away so casually.

"Sorry about him,"he rubbed the back of his neck."he can be...inappropriate. I don't know how is girlfriend can stand it."

I nodded,"it's fine."

"Ready to get started?"

"Sure,"I nodded.

So we spent all day patrolling the area and Scott caught a couple of kids trying to get to the parts room. He told me about the old animatronics and about thier past in the first pizzaria. Not to mention I was introduced to the new toy Animatronics who seemed creepy at first, but are actually nice as can be, like a human. I never knew though for a bright kids place it actually has such a dark past. Who in there right mind would kill five children? I just couldn't wrap my head around it.

Scott though at some point had to go to the office to get something while I stayed and cover for him. I wondered around and eventually found myself at the prize coner where the Marionette was and in his small box, but his melody still played. I looked around on the shelfs that had the stuffed toys and other prizes.

The pizzaria was about to close as parents left with their crying children who begged not to leave. I turned around, but I was startled by the appearance of the Marionette who was now out of his box and towering in front of me.

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