CH 9: Fun time

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Deep down I felt as though Scott was right for the most part. I did needed some fun in my life, but I have to admit the park was acually pretty fun. We enjoyed all the rides and some of the park games, along with the food. It was nice anyway to get away from my parents for once and have fun here...until Scott got sick from one of the rides we were on. He made it to the bathrooms before he could vomit in public, while I sat down on a bench that was near the bathrooms. I patiently waited for him to return as I swung my legs like a child as I hummed. I watched them swing back and forth almost ina  trance, when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned my head to see a farmilier grin and purple hair.

"Hey doll,"Vincent greeted.

"Oh, hey,"I stood up.

"What brings you here?"he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

I pointed to the men's room,"waiting for Scott."

"So he did ask you on a date,"he said with suprise in his voice.

I nodded,"what about you?"

Vincent shrugged,"just here with my girlfriend."

My eyes widened,"I didn't know you have a girlfriend."


"A little."

He chuckled as another girl came up from behind him.

"There you are,"she said sweetly as she clung to Vincent.

The girl's appearance was stunning and very shocking. Her hair appeared to look like a starlight color and her eyes was aqua blue. Her skin was paler then mine, but fit her perfectly to her hair. She smiled at Vincent brightly, but noticed me and it only grew bigger.

"Who is this cute girl?"She inspected me from head to toe, it almost felt uncomfortable.

"This is Blair, she is a coworker at the pizzaria,"Vincent introduced.

"Cool, I'm Jordan Schmidt, Mike's little sister,"she waved.

"I didn't know Mike had a sister."

"I know, he doesn't talk much about his family usually,"Jordan gave a shrug."Anyway, let's go Vincent I want to get to the last ride."

Vincent nodded,"see you at work."

"It was nice to meet you,"she smiled again.

I waved at him until he turned around to walk with Jordan.

As soon as they left Scott came back out and looked up at me.

"Vincent and his girlfriend came by,"I pointed to thier direction.

"I already know Vincent text me earlier,"he caughed a bit."looks like that's enough rides for me.

I chuckled and smiled a bit,"then let's play some games for a bit."

"You know you look cute when you smile,"Scott complimented.

My face grew hot as Scott chuckled at my emarressment. For the rest of our time we played the carnival games for entertainment that was around. At somepoint he won me a stuffed animal and we shared some cotton candy. He also made me laugh a few times by his silliness and clumsiness, I couldn't help but think how cute he was for being clumsey. I haven't felt like this in so long because for the first time I was having so much fun, and it was all thanks to Scott. Maybe I can trust him, but I can't be certain yet.

"We should get going now,"Scott said while looking up in the sky.

I agreed because the sun was starting to set and there was a small cool breeze blowing in my midnight hair, even though I don't want too. We both left the park to the parking lot as some people were already starting to leave also. We had to go down a couple of rows before we found Scott's car not to far. He took out his keys to unlock the door when we heard footsteps behind us.

"Hey Scott,"a farmilier voice said.

We both turned around to see vincent grinning like he always does.

"Can I speaked to you alone for a bit?"he asked politely as his grin fell.

"Sure,"Scott put his keys back in his pocket.

They both walked a good few feet away so I couldn't hear what they might be saying, but I didn't want to listen to someone esle's bussiness anyway. I leaned my back against the car and folded my arms to patiently wait for them. All I could hear was the faint whispers of Scott and Vincent as I watched them talk, but I can already feel the pain returning in my head. Unfortantly I forgot to bring any mediciane in case it started to hurt, so I rubbed my temple hoping to ease it some.

********************************no one's POV********************************

"Thanks for the suggestion in bringing her here,"Scott said."She had a good time here."

Vincent smirked,"I knew she would like it."

"But how did you know?"Scott asked curiously."You two don't talk to much."

he nodded,"I know, but I'm a good judge of character...besides she looked like she goes through pain everyday."

"What do you mean?"

"You never noticed?"Vincent asked suprised."I thought you would considering your she looks depressed."

"How can you tell?"Scott asked, feeling deep concern.

"It's the look in her eyes,"he said."Have you ever noticed anything strange about her?"

Scott grabbed his chin in thought about the strange things he noticed, then looked back up to Vincent.

"...Well she wears bandages around her arms like me, and when I went to her house her paretns looked and smelled horrible. Not to mention they are emtremely rude. Her mother called her a slut and emo in front of me,"he explained."Plus I can go on."

"Sounds like her parents are abusing her ,"Vincent said with a hint of annoyance because it reminded him of his past.

"Well I was suspicous yesterday yesterday, but didn't believe it to be true,"Scott looked down."Someone as good as her doesn't deserve that much pain."

"I know, but things happen,"Vincent sighed."Just take good care of her."

Scott nodded as he felt his heart weigh heavy. He liked Blair a lot and didn't want her to be in that much pain, he neeeded to know more. He felt like he should protect her no matter what because after this day he knew now he was in love with Blair. Now he justed needed to tell her that. Scott's thoughts were interupted when he felt a tug at his sleeve and turned his head to see Blair, but his and Vincent's eyes widened at her.

"Can we go now?"she asked in a sweet voice.

"Are you okay!? Your bleeding!" Scott said in a small panik as he grabbed Blair's shoulders.

Blair rubbed the spot on her head and looked at her hand to see a bit of blood. Both boys looked at her with concern, but she looked back up to a worried Scott and her eyes looked blank. The next thing they knew is that she was falling, but Scott caught her and picked her up.

"She needs to get to a hospital!"Scott said with panik still in his voice.

"Give her here, Jordan and I will take her ,"Vincent explained.

He did as he was told and gave her to Vincent bridel style and he rushed to his car. Jordan asked Vincent a million questions, but he explained as he rushed to the hospital.

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