Chapter Two: Ha! In your face!

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Witch Sasha

I left my little wooden cottage in the woodland and decided to head towards town. Something told me it was a decent day for a walk.

I wore a black leather jacket, a black leather skirt, and black leather boots. For makeup I did, red lipstick, some foundation, and black eyeliner. I wore my Raven hair out, and it went past my shoulders. I rocked cute short bangs.

I was banished from Miradon for some activities I did ten years ago. So the woodlands are what I call home now. But I didn't care. Banishing me to the forest was their way of showing me mercy. They should've just dismissed me altogether. That would've been the smart thing.

I have an issue here, so I'm going to solve it. It was important enough to bring me out of the woods. Definitely.

I heard the sound of powers being used, so I followed the noise. This is exactly what I was looking for, I grinned.

I found this lovely cottage that looked better way than mine. I'll admit I was jealous. I bet everyone had better cottages than me.

I kept walking towards the front. I heard laughter and cheering. Children ugh! I almost walked away, but then I stopped and turned back around. It doesn't look like they know how to control their powers very well; that could work to my advantage.

They could help solve my issue here.

I'm a woman, so that I won't look as threatening. Be nice, and smile. What do kids like? They like animals. Puppies?

I teleported so that I was three feet in front of them.

"Hi, I'm Sasha, a Witch." I greeted them with a big ass smile on my face.


I pulled Ella behind me.

"I know who you are. You're that Witch who got banished to the woods. Technically you're not even supposed to be here; now leave!" I glared at Sasha.

"Wait, she's bad? She looks so nice." Ella said, clearly confused.

She's not wrong. The Witch does look nice. She was young, and she looked to be in her late twenties. She had long raven hair that went past her shoulders, short bangs, and she was wearing black and leather, a leather jacket, a leather skirt, and leather boots.

I'll admit, she had good fashion sense.

"She probably used her magic to make herself look younger. She's gotta be in her fifties at least." I spoke calmly, insulting Sasha. I crossed my arms.

She frowned.

I looked around the neighborhood. Nobody else was even outside. Great, no one to help us. I rolled my eyes.

"We told you to leave, so why are you still here?" I asked.

"And what are your intentions?" Ella added.

"Quiet, sis, let me handle this." I hissed.

The Witch made a cream Labrador puppy appear in her hands. "You kids like puppies, right?"

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