Chapter Four: You Heard Me

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It's been a year and a half since the incident happened.

Ten months ago, Queen Dawn Gave birth. They finally have an heir. We've been tasked with babysitting him these past ten months. We'll just consider it training for our future job here once we turn sixteen. With my sister by my side, we could do anything.

I have more great news; we finally learned how to control our powers. Now we can use them whenever we'd like!

Stella learned how to control her power, and then I did.

Mom brought us to work today.

She got on her horse, and Stella and I trailed behind her. We don't have horses of our own yet, but that's fine. The walk will help us with our exercise and move rings on our Apple Watches. We always close our rings now that we visit the castle more often.

We got to the castle by 9:00 am. Mom went to the stables to put up her horse while Stella and I went straight to our hangout area. The room they built just for us a year and a half ago.

Occasionally we'll see Sasha, working around the castle. But she doesn't bother us or say anything.


I wore my maid attire, my black and white dress, with black boots. My raven black hair was tied back. I didn't wear make-up because we weren't allowed to when we worked. Who the hell made up that rule? I might apply a little foundation, but that's about it.

Even after working here for a year and a half, people still judge me. They stare at me, talk about what I did, they don't think I can hear them, but I do.

I hear.




They say about me.

And it infuriates me, and they talk about me like I'm not even there. They're too comfortable around me. I understand why. I'm no longer considered a threat, at least not without my powers.

I've done nothing to further their suspicions about me. I'm tired of trying to ignore it because I can't.

I've had thoughts about quitting. But if I do, they'll banish me not only from the Kingdom of Miradon but also from the forest behind it where my cottage lies.

I would have to travel East. Towards the vampire Kingdom, Raven Field. Luckily there is a forest between the wolf and vampire kingdoms. But they are at war with each other, and I do not want to be caught in the crossfire. But I've heard stories about the vampire Kingdom, and they are not as merciful as Queen Dawn and King Toby. I mess up once there, and they'll kill me.

Burn me at stake.

So my only option is to stay here and keep taking the verbal abuse.

Every time they talk about me. It makes me so angry, I want to show them what I can do, and maybe they'll stop talking about me. Because they'll be too scared of me to do anything, but I can't because my power is gone. Not forever, but gone until I figure out how to get it back.

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