Chapter Nine: Believe Me, They Won't

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"So you have one of two choices here, Toby. You can either give up your power or not, but Dawn and little Edward here would have to give up theirs." She smiled. "So, what will it be?" Sasha put Edward back in his cradle. It's incredible how he could sleep through this.

I'd give up my power instantly without a second thought so that Dawn and Edward could keep theirs. That's how much I love my family. But I need to make sure she doesn't get the dragon's power because that would make her the most powerful thing in the world.

"If he has a brain, he will give up his," Tristan smirked.

Sky laughed in response.

"Shut up, give him time to think," Sasha growled.

"I have a question."

"What?" Sasha tilted her head.

"When you take power from your host, do you get their abilities?"

"No, but I wish I did. That would be more effective."


As much as I pained me, I still gritted my teeth and said, "Take mine." Sasha smiled. "Promise me that you will leave my family alone."

She chuckled. "I promise."

After she took my power by making me drink a potion that hurt like hell, she let my family and I go. Dawn immediately grabbed Edward from his cradle and went over to me. I hugged her.

"Yes, now my power is stronger than ever!" Sasha said.

Sky and Tristan cheered in response.

"Why would you do that?!" Dawn asked.

"You and Edward should be able to keep your power, even if it means giving up mine," I said softly.

A tear ran down her cheek. "Thank you." She whispered.

"It hurt like hell, and I didn't want you in pain," I added, looking down.

She kissed me on the cheek.

"We got what we came for, Sasha; we should go home now." Sky said.

I looked out the window; the sun would be up in a couple of minutes.

My workers would start showing up.

"No, I'm going to the throne room. Lock these three in the here."

"I'm going to get some fresh air. I'll be back, guys." Sky said.

Weird. If there's a weak link in this group, it's Sky, definitely.

"Alright. When your done, come find me in the throne room." Sasha said; she thought nothing of it. I wonder how much she trusts her group? Maybe too much.


Today is the first day we officially start to work for the King and Queen. I'm so excited. We all were going to the castle. We all got on our horses and rode in the direction of the castle.

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