Chapter Five: Shooot Her! Shooot Her!

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I made it back to my cottage. I had a feeling this would be the last time I would see this place. So I took a video of every room, the front and the back of the cottage.

I grabbed two duffle bags and stuffed everything I could in them. Clothes, shoes, hygiene products, spell books, and potions.

I grabbed some snacks and water bottles for the road.

After I finished packing, I left the cottage and went to my stables. I watered and fed my horse.

I needed to hurry up. I had a feeling that King Toby wasn't just going to let me go.

After my horse was fed and watered, I got him saddled up and tied the duffle bags onto him, got on him, and left. I headed east towards the vampire Kingdom.

I was halfway to the vampire Kingdom when I heard horses coming.

Oh shit, they found me!

"There she is!"

"Hiya!" I made Raven go faster. I needed to lose these men ASAP.

I knew the second I was in Raven Field, and they could no longer chase me. I just had to make it there.

Then to make things worse, they started shooting arrows at me.

"Shooot Her! Shooot Her!" Carlos ordered.

I was in vampire territory, and they could no longer go after me. I was safe. I kept riding until I reached Sky's place. Thanks to those lames with the bad aim, I made it.

I knocked on the door. Of course, Sky answered it. She looked happy to see me.

She hugged me.

"You would not believe what I've been through," I told her as I pulled away. She let me in the house. "I also put my horse in your stable, if that's cool with you," I mentioned.

"I'm glad you made it here! I can't believe you quit!" She didn't sound that shocked.

I put my stuff down. "Oh, come on, I think you already knew."

We sat down in the living room.

"You right." She admitted.

We laughed.

Sky's powers are mind-reading, teleportation, and manipulation. But she'd never try to manipulate me, and we're friends.

I set my stuff down, and we talked for an hour.

"Let me show you where you'll be staying." I followed Sky as she led me to a bedroom.

I grabbed my duffle bags and got settled. Sky said she would get started on dinner.

Her cottage had two bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms.

I took a shower, changed clothes, and joined Sky in the Kitchen.

I was so glad I was with her again. It's like I filled a missing piece in my life. She made it whole again.

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