Chapter One: The Guardian Speaks

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Bluekit was swathed in darkness. Too young to open her eyes, she wriggled a little, trying to get some sense out of the dark world she was in temporarily.

 " have been chosen to rebuild..."

Bluekit started in her dream. She whirled around on unsteady legs, trying to find the source of the voice that had spoken, but there was nothing. Nobody. She couldn't even catch a scent.

"...rebuild, what has been destroyed..."

Fear thumped in her chest. She opened her mouth, but realized she couldn't find words to speak. She was too young, barely more than a day old.

"...the path of eternity, lies before you..."

In her dream, Bluekit finally discovered the power of speech.

Who are you?

A scent bathed her tongue this time. It was wild and cold, and smelt...well, cold. Like ice. If she were old enough, Bluekit would have found words to aptly describe it. But then again, she wasn't.

A chuckle, a warm purring, tickled her ears. I am Blizzard, the voice answered. I rise the moon every night, and sinks it when Fire comes to bring the sun. I bring the seasons of snow and leaf-bare, and I am the guardian spirit of BlizzardClan, the Clan you were born in.

Bluekit was completely bewildered. What? I don't understand! I'm...too young!

A vision crossed her sight then. A vision of a great white cat, with stunning blue eyes. They were shining with warmth.

You will know in time, the cat promised. You have been chosen by the four guardian spirits to guide what has been lost, rebuild what has been broken. Sleep now, little one. You will understand...someday...

The voice faded away, and the white cat slowly disappeared. Bluekit stared in confusion. Wait! Don't go! I have so much to ask!

All will be revealed in time, little one. Remember, we will stand alongside you as you walk.

The presence of the cat faded away, and Bluekit was left in darkness again.

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