chapter3: wounds heal.

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Elsa's POV:

I sat is the bakery alone when a black van pulled in front of the bakery.

I saw my cousin punzie get out. and my old friends anna and merr.

I guessed they brought the guy with them.

three other guys got out and one dark brown haired guy opened the van, picked another guy out of the van, and put him in a wheel chair.

they opened the door and came
in. just then punzie, anna, and merr came over and encased me in a group hug, the guys just stared.

"is that the guy?" I said gesturing to the silvery white haired guy passed out in the wheel chair.

"yes. elsa take care of him he's been through alot." punzie said with a soft look.

I nodded and we all hugged one last time then the guys helped me load the guy into my truck.

we all said our goodbye's and I headed home. on the drive there the guy woke up.

when we got to the farm I gave him some medicine that punzie gave me for him. and put him in a guest room.

he told me his name was jack earlier. he has icy blue eyes like mine.

for the next two weeks he basically slept all day.

he threw up a couple times but is mostly better now. he can walk around for a full on 20-30 minutes.

I knocked on his door, "rise and shine frost. breakfast!" I then got down to the he kitchen and made eggs, bacon, and toast.

I heard his door open and he came downstairs.

"morning sunshine!" he sarcasticly said. I rolled my eyes and gave him his plate. he ate it all and gave me his plate, then ran to his room to take a shower.

he was usually a sweet guy but was also mischievous and sarcastic. he loved doing pranks on ppl but not me for some odd reason. he told me who was who out of the guys. and showed me pictures.

I heard a knock on the front door. Jack came downstairs and looked at me with a smirk. "i ordered it for you."

I opened the door and was engulfed in a girl hug. it was anna, punzie, and merr.

"what are you guys doing here?!" I said suprised. they were my only friends in growing up in school.

Anna was always so cheery and exited. punzie was artistic in many ways. and merr was always into sports and wrestling. she was like the protester of the group.

"well miss we are gunna continue huggin' ye till ye face turn purple!" I recognized the Scottish accent.

they eventually let go and left me there trying to catch my breath.

I asked them if they wanted to watch a movie and of course they said yes.

2 hours later the other 3 guys came and we watched movies all day and night long. and of course we took food breaks.

we all gave in to the idea of a slumber party. all the guys in boxers or shorts and us girls in loose shirts and shorts shorts.

I went to my room to change last I put on a black lingerie with some blue, purple, and silver bows on it. it was a little see thru so I wore a black bra and black boy shorts underwear.

I headed out and as soon as eugene saw me he patted Jack's shoulder and pointed to me.

jack turned around and saw and immediately turned fire truck red. I chuckled at him and we started playing truth or dare.

punzie went first. then flynn. now it's Jack's turn.

"truth or dare?" eugene asked.

jack rolled his eyes.

"come on eugene you know me. Dare!"

punzie winked at eugene and he nodded his head.

"I, eugene fitzerbert, dare you, jack frost to kiss elsa... whatever her last name is."

"ok!" jack said he came over and I felt his lips crass onto mine for a second. then he pulled away and went back to his seat.

"imma just go change..." I ran off to my room and changed into a sweatshirt and sweatpants and got back to the he others.

"els your turn!" anna said exitedly. "ok... Kristoff truth or dare?"


"ok I dare you to... go..." I couldn't think. the only thing on my mind was jack. I mean he's cute ya but, would I want him as a boyfriend?

"hello what do you want me to do?!" kristoff was annoyed. I must have drifted off.

I thought. he hates snakes....

"ok. I dare you to go keep a snake on your shoulders for 5 minutes!"

he turned ghost white and sat there very disturbed.

"don't do your dare and you have to kiss hiccup!"

"WHAT I DIDN'T AGREE TO THAT!!" Hiccup was very mad.

"too bad!" I said sticking out my tounge at him.

Kristoff rolled his eyes and muttered. "snake."

we continued partying. doing karaoke, wrestling, and many other things. we eventually drifted off to sleep.


well guys here is your chapter3!!!! I am currently at my grandparents house in tittusville. so I don't have WiFi 3: but thankfully I can still write this story <3

anyways stay tuned and keep shipping jelsa <3


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