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Prompt: Everytime you touch somebody you get a flash of your entire future with them.


  It started out of the blue. At first, it was a bump with your favorite pet, and suddenly your mind, site, and senses were flooded with images. Every time you would give affection, all the times you'd chase them off race past you and throw you for a loop as you notice the visible aging in your lifetime friend. Then it all stops at one horrible morning where you'd be sitting with them, and their final breath would draw and leave their body. It shocked you out of the daze you had been from sleep, and you can't help but collapse at the pets feet and sob in horror.

The next time you touch someone is your mother. You see every argument, every time you cry together, every time you have to bury someone with her and every good and bad event she'll be there for you right up until she passes away in her sleep, and she leaves your life.

You locked yourself away into your room after that. You quit work, ignored your phone, and curled up under your covers in hopes that it was all just a nightmare. A God awful trick played upon you by the Deities of the times, and when you woke up, it'd be over.

Your mother came in after a few days and sat beside your bed. Trying desperately to understand why you would lock yourself away and make such a turn in personality. You cave and tell her what's happened to you, and how you believe if you just sit in the darkness it may go away.

She doesn't believe you.

It's another day or so before your brother forces food down your throat, and makes you touch him. The visions are too much, and you soon beg him not to go to the party he was thinking of sneaking out too, and you had been planning to drive him too without knowing him knowing. His shock is enough for him to believe you, and he promises not to go and to stay home with her and watch a movie. The new flash is much happier than the last, your brother ends up living a beautiful, long life with lots of kids and an awesome polycube. You always knew he was polyamorous.

Feeling better about your newfound power, you ask to meet his 'friends', claiming to be curious about who the group of people he hangs out with all the time are. His fluster and stuttering is enough to make you feel lighter than you have in ages, but he does agree so long as you promise to outfit yourself with gloves to protect not only their privacy but yourself as well.

The meeting goes better than expected, and the group catches on immediately that you know and happily fill you in with all the gruesome details you don't need to know, but accept anyway. It's only just as you're all leaving that you touch one of the members by accident, and you freeze up at the image that flashes through your head.

Cancer and they don't have long. You're quick to pull that person off to the side, and quickly explain everything that you've discovered and that you know from the few months of flashes you've gotten. They deny it, and you're left standing there helpless, and they march back to the group upset.

You decide to never tell another person about your ability after that. You go through your whole life in a plastic bubble, keeping people at a certain distance, and only telling them what they want to hear once you start becoming a fortune teller.

By the time you've hit 32, you're done with life, and take the necessary precautions for your family, before closing your eyes one final time in the middle of may. Finally, you're at peace.  

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