Chapter 46: Graduation

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Written: in advance 

Date: 25/3/17

Words: 798


<><>Sky's POV<><>

Now it was the time that we ended our school journey. Finally.

No more homework, essays due, final reports, any of it! 

Well, until the Fall of course. I was still going to College. Which would have more homework, essays due, and final reports. Great now I'm sad again.

Plus the group will be separated. Great now I'm even more sad. I'm dying now great.

No, you can do this. You'll be fine. You'll get through this. Then after you get to have a party with your friends. And they aren't leaving until the end of the summer. You get to spend more time with them.

It was at this point that I realized I was giving myself a pep talk. Well I guess I'm more nervous than I thought I was. Oh well, it will be fine though. Hopefully. No, it will. It will it will it will.

And now I'm panicing again. Fantastic.

Well the only thing that could calm me down at this point is YouTube. To the Sidemen's channels we go. I would watch Preston's videos, but I'm seeing him soon so that's kind of weird. So the only solution is the Sidemen. Hopefully they're weird banter helps me feel better.

After re-watching The Helium Challenge, and The original Crossbar Challenge, I was doing better. Even back a couple years they could make videos that made zero sense but still made me laugh. The Pack can do that too. I'm too obsessed with YouTube.

"Sky! Are you coming?" My mom yelled.

"Yeah mom! Be down in a second!" I yelled back.

Let's do this.

~~~Le time skip to when they're at the school~~~

"SKY!" I heard someone yell.

I turned around to be run into by Ivy. Of course.

I laughed. "Hey Ivy."

"Hey, you excited?"

"Yep. You?"

"I'm so happy!"

"Good, have you seen anyone else?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Yeah, but we have to go sit down now. It starts soon."

"Oh ok."

We walked to the section where we needed to sit and waited. We still had 10 minutes, but we couldn't leave the room. That way we wouldn't miss the start of it. (Just saying now I don't know how this works so I'm guessing)

Ivy and I sat next to each other for the ceremony thing, so we just talked to pass the time.

"Are you excited?" I asked her.

"Yeah. But then we have to go to college, so don't know if I'm excited for that." She responded.

"Yeah, I get what you mean. I know it will be good for my future if I go, but I really don't want to."

"That's why I try not to think about it. Let's just get through today, and then we can think about it."

"I agree. That makes sense."

We then just talked about other random things. We avoided the topic of anything involving school. Talking did pass the time because after a few minutes we were told to quiet down. The ceremony as starting.

It was like any other Graduation. The only difference was that I was graduating. Which was cool, yet weird at the same time. When it was Ivy's turn to go up, I made sure I yelled loud to annoy her. I knew she was going to do it for me, so might as well do it to her. 

After her, it was my turn. When I walked up to get my diploma, I heard my family, and mostly my friends scream at me. I knew they were going to do that, but doesn't mean that I enjoyed it. I hate it when people do that, and they know it. Which of course makes them want to do it more. 

After I got my diploma, and shook hands with some of the teachers, I walked back to my seat. It felt good to finally get that over with. Now I can finally move on with my future. 

I just cheered for my friends the rest of the ceremony. Then they closed it up, and then we were done.

My family and friends congratulated me, and I congratulated my friends. We all knew what we really wanted to do though. We were going to have a party with just us. And by party I mean we'll probably do nothing that 'normal' people do at a party, but oh well. It would just be us, and that would be all that mattered.

It will be one of the final party memories we have together. So we have to make it count.


Sorry this chapter is short, but I didn't really know how to write it. Hope you enjoyed anyway! See you in the next chapter!


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