Chapter 12: The Text

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Written: 2/5/16

Date: 2/5/16

Words: 715


Lilly's POV

I was sitting in my bean bag chair at home, watching yet another Steven Suptic video that Sky got me wrapped into. (You're welcome by the way)

I suddenly got a text from Crystal, so I paused the video, and went to messages. 

'You're welcome. I just made your life awesome.'

Oh, no. No, no, no. Whenever she said something like that, something happened. So, something happened. Something big. Something evil, very evil. 

Then, I got another text. I froze once I saw who it was from. This could not  be a coincidence. 

'Hey, can I talk to u? Meet me at the park at 5? If u come meet me at the first walking path.' 

No. Fudging. Way. First off, the text was from Lachlan. Then, he wants to meet me at the park?! This is the best day ever. No, Lilly, calm yourself. He probably just wanted to talk about something simple. Yeah, that's it. Or it could be something else. Something more important. I silently screamed. 

"Calm down."  I thought to myself. "Everything is ok. Everything is normal."

Wait, what time is it? I looked at the clock and it read '4:50'. I've got to go, now. Otherwise, I'll be late. I got up, and grabbed my jacket laying on my desk chair. I basically ran downstairs. But, I was stopped by my mother.

"Woah. Where are you going so fast?" She asked.

I paused, and looked at her. "I'm going to meet a friend at the park. They said to meet them at 5. I don't want to be late." 

"And does this friend happen to be a boy?"

"Ummm...." I didn't know what to tell her. I had never had a boyfriend, a boy had never even been interested in me before. Well, from what I know, anyway. 

"It's ok if it is, Lilly. Just make sure nothing big happens ok? Be home by 7." 

I looked at her, shocked. She was letting me go? "Thanks, mom!" I ran to her, and hugged her. "I promise nothing big will happen, and I'll be home by 7, too."

She laughed. "I know you will. Now, you better go before you're late."

I nodded, and ran out of the house. The park was about 5 minutes away from my house. So, I shouldn't be late. Well, I was hoping at least. I just hoped that something good would happen when I met Lachlan. 

~~~~~Time skip like 5 minutes when she's at the park~~~~~

I was waiting at the park. It was 5:01. Shouldn't Lachlan be here by now? I was waiting at the first walking path. That's where he said to meet him, didn't he? 

No, stop, Lilly. Stop being paranoid. Everything is going to be ok, even if he doesn't come. Then, I got a text. 

'Hey, are you at the park?'

It was from Lachlan. I typed back as fast as I could.

'Yeah. Looking for u. Where are u?'

'Change of plans. I'm at the big oak tree next to the river.'

'Oh, ok. I'll be there in a couple of minutes.'

Well, that explains why he wasn't here. At least I know where he was. The big oak tree next to the river was really pretty. Well, at least the view was. Especially at sunset, like it was about to be. I quickly walked in that direction. But, I ran into someone. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry." They apologized. I noticed that they were nervous. About what, I don't know. 

"It's fine. I was rushing, and not looking where I was going. So I guess it's my fault too." I said to them. 

The person I ran into was male. They had brown hair, and brown eyes. (Totally guessing, fyi) Once I looked, I realized that they were nervous. But, why? 

"Sorry, again." I said trying to apologize. "I'm Lilly by the way." 

"I'm Seto."


And that my friends, is how you make a cliffhanger. Don't kill me plz, I fan. Anyway, the reason why I'm posting a sort of short chapter is that I'm starting another fanfiction. It's called "Soulmates." I'm hoping to have it up on Saturday aka tomorrow. It's a Poofless, Vikklan, and Merome fanfiction. Hopefully you liked the chapter. So, comment, vote, and all that jazz, and I'll see you in the next chapter!


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