The usual wakeup call

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I cringed from the sound of yelling and cursing down stairs, it was the hideous Miss. Finnegan.

"Get up you're useless swines! You're so blody lazy, you never listen to me! Get up or you will not be able to laugh with you're filthy teeth intact anymore!"

Of course nobody is mean by heart but I think that she was pretty close. She walked around the house every single morning with an old tea-kettle filled with freezing water. She was tall and had long, tangled brown hair. She looked pretty but she could sure need a makeover (and a lesson in how to behave. Btw - you did not hear that from me!). I listened as I heard her loud footsteps approaching the door to the attic where I lived with Ben. Ben was a sixteen-year-old guy that like me had been stuck here since he was a child. The only difference is Ben came here when he was eight and I came here when I was six. His parents died in a car accident a couple of years ago.

My eyes widened in horror as I remembered what I was holding in my hand, my notebook. I quickly closed the notebook, hiding the faint drawing that I had drawn while watching the stars during midnight.

"Quickly! She's coming!" Ben told me in a hushed tone. I quickly jumped of the bed and made a run for the drawer where Ben and I had al of our belongings, but I was too late. I was just about to close the drawer with the notebook inside it. I was one step away from a pain-free morning when I heard the door crack open. It was Miss.Finnegan.

"You filthy little pig! What have I told you about drawing! You freak!" Miss. Finnegan was furious and clearly mad. Her face looked like a boiled potato and I swear that if looks could kill I would have died by then.

"I'm so sorry Miss.Finnegan, I just wanted to..." *Slap!*. I held my right cheek in pain as I could feel it getting hot. "You silly, stupid child. You're a freak! Show me the bloody drawing!" I hesitated as I looked up at Miss. Finnegan with hatred, horror and pity. I felt pity for her because of how she behaved, maybe she had a rough childhood? Maybe she did't have any parents either? There must be a reason to her hatred against children - and me of course. I was her special favorite! Notice the sarcasm.

"NOW!" She pointed her bony fingers towards the drawer. I slowly walked over to the oak-drawer standing in the dusty corner with Miss. Finnegan hot on my heals.

"Walk faster, you idiot! I don't have all day!" She told me through gritting teeth. I quickly jogged towards the drawer - even though my legs still hurt for a unknown reason.

I opened the drawer slowly. You could now clearly see the bright, yellow, daisy coverd book cover peeking through the drawer.

Miss.Finnegan quickly snatched the notebook from the drawer. "You won't see this again, you stupid child." She turned around and was about to walk out the door when I begged. "Please Miss. Finnegan, It's the only thing that I have from my parents! Please, it was my mothers!".

I was on the verge of tears as I looked right into Miss.Finnegans ice cold blue eyes with my forest green ones. She looked at me coldly, took a tight grip of the doorknob and said "No.". She quickly closed the door and locked it from the outside. I ran to the door and tried to open it with al my might - but it was to no use. I slid down the door as I let my tears flow. I curled up in a small ball as I bawled into my nightdress. My bright, blonde locks were hanging down my face.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I gasped in horror. To my surprise, it was Ben, he never showed me any compassion.

He looked at me with pity in his crystal blue eyes and said "let's get you ready for school".



I walked down the creaky stairs, I was dressed in my torn school-uniform. It used to belong to one of the older girls at the orphanage but since she grew out of the uniform it passed on to me.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs everybody looked at me from the kitchen and giggled, to them I was nothing more than a freak.

I made my way into the the kitchen with my head held low, my dirty backpack swung over my shoulder. I walked over to Ms. Finnegan standing in her apron - cooking for everybody.

"Ehm... Ms.Finnegan. May I please eat breakfast today?" I asked sweetly as I looked up at her trough my thick hair. She kept looking at the frying pan and answered blankly "When bastards behave bastards get food". I knew that I hadn't behaved but I was desperate. "Please Ms.Finnegan, I have't eaten for two days." She still did't look at me. "Well that's not my problem now is it?". I looked up at her with pleading eyes. "Please Ms.Finnegan! My stomach really hurts and I'm really hungry!". She finally looked down at me - but not in the way I hoped she would. With rage in her eyes she stared down at me angrily. She seemed to grow five feet taler when she stood in front of me. Five feet taller, a hundred times as scary.

"The basement, now!!!"



I had done it, I had finally escaped. Ben did't need me, I knew that. I left him a note saying that I left on his bedside table along with a drawing of him and me that I drew on the backside of the note.

After Ms.Finnegan beat me up I could't stand it anymore. I think that one of my ribs broke and I was definitely bruised. I had purple markings over my eyes from where she hit me. I also had cuts and bruises coverd in blod al over my body. My school uniform was bloodstained and looked even more like it was taken from a dust bin then it did before.

Before I left I went down to the fire place and stole the remaining pieces of my notebook, I wanted to have something from my parents with me wherever i went.

I laid down on a bench in a park somewhere in London. I don't know exactly where it was but I was pretty sure that I was alone. I looked up at the beautiful sky with tears in my eyes. The stars, they were just so beautiful. They seemed to twinkle a little bit brighter each time I saw them. Al I ever wanted was to see the stars ,but at that moment I felt like I was the furthest away from reaching that dream than I had ever been before.

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