The Awakening

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The Doctors pov

I looked at her as I bawled my eyes out. "No,no,no." I placed my head on top of hers as I took in the very smell of her bright curls. Her eyes where closed - she looked like she was sleeping peacefully but on the inside I knew that this was way worse than sleep. I felt a hand on my shoulder "Doctor, you need to let go of her." I looked up at Amy "AMY SHE WAS MY DAUGHTER! My only living child! Can't I have one moment to mourn?!" I looked at her, regretting how I just snapped at her. "Sorry, I just." "No, Doctor it's okay but really - you need to get away from her." "Amy, I thought I told you..." Then I looked down at my daughters hands - they where bright yellow and shining. I felt a big grin creep onto my lips as I let out a laugh of relief. "Oh Cadence, my Cadence. You're regenerating." I gently placed her body on the ground as I ran to the other side of the room "Get away from her, all of you!" "Doctor what is happening?!" I smiled as I watched every part of her body start to shine in a bright yellow color. "She's regenerating." Then her body got corrupted in the yellow flames and each of us got thrown towards the wall.

Cadences pov

I sat up in a haste. "WHOA! That's new! I got new lungs - much better lungs may I add. Hearts, check. Eyes, check - obviously. Arms, lean. Legs, also lean. Ears, check. Nose, oh yea that's a good one. Hair, oh no. No,no,no,no. I'm a dude! It stops just below my ears - that is totally dude hair. Then how do I look in this outfit. Ohhh! Okay, I'm a woman. Ah! Ello dad, Amy and Rory. Nice to see you again." I stood up - apparently way to fast since I quickly lost my balance. Dad was on his way to catch me but I held my hand up to show him that I was fine. "A new body, new me. Well, I feel a little bit wobbly at the moment. Now, mirror." I turned around and faced the mirror. My hair was short, red and curly. It cropped my pale face perfectly. My eyes where still green - kinda boring. "Ugh, still got the green eyes - will I ever get some variation? Well, I'm alive!" I turned around to see Amy, Rory and Dad standing there looking shocked. "Now I understand why you guys are shocked but you - you have seen this face before which means that I will probably meet a younger you. Oh! Finally I will have more foreknowledge than you!" Then I wobbled back to the mirror "Who are you?" I smiled and turned to Amy. "I am Cadence. Even though my body has changed I am still the same Cadence." I looked at her and she looked at me. "Is this what you do when you die?" said Rory. "Yes, that's one good thing about being timelord - it's harder to die. We change every living cell in our body to survive but we still remain as the same-ish persons that we were before."

I then saw dad walking towards me - looking at me in disgust  "You... YOU ARE THE REASON TO WHY SHE IS GONE!" He looked at me with rage in his eyes. He started walking towards me with rage in his steps "WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?!" "Dad you know that it is me - I regenerated." He stood in front of me now with more rage in his eyes than I had ever seen. I closed my eyes and tried to protect myself by holding my hands over my head - he was going to hit me - I felt it. I shrieked in fear. "Doctor! What are you doing?!" It was Amy. "She is just a child!" "No Amy, you're wrong. She is the reason that her mother is gone." I looked at him with fear and sadness in my eyes. "No! I would never do that!" "BUT YOU DID!" I flinched as he shouted at me. He had me pinned against the wall. "Let go of me." "No" I kicked him in the place where the sun dosn't shine and ran out of the room as quickly as I could. I ran down the corridors of the TARDIS and into my old room. Dad had made it so that it only answered to my sonic so even if he wanted to he wouldn't be able to come in since I had my sonic. When the door was closed I slid down the white door and fully broke down. He hated me. He wasn't even my dad anymore. He hated me for something I hadn't done yet. A fixed point in time that I will never forgive myself for. That's when I realised - I am just a part of this wicked game. I held my hand in front of my mouth to make sure that I could muffle my cries. Then I had a proper look at the room.

The room was full of babypictures of me dad and mum. The theme was bright yellow and vanilla white - there where some light pink roses on the crib and on the curtains. At the moment I hated it. I stood up and picked up a picture of me, dad and mum. I clutched it until my knuckles turned white as sheats and threw it to the ground making it crack. Before I knew it I destroyed the entire room in anger. "I should never have trusted you. Never. Never. Never!" then I felt myself sink to the wall once more - I hated him for hating me. Then I heard a knock on my door.

"Cadence, it's me - Amy. Can I please come in." I picked up my sonic and opened the door "come in" said I in a monotone. The door opened and in walked Amy. "Hey." I smirked and looked down at my hands that rested on my knees before turning my look to the friendly ginger standing in the doorway. "Hey." Amy walked in slowly and sat down next to me on the wooden floor. "So, you're pretty mad at him huh?" I chuckled "He deserves it." she chuckled along with me. "I agree - sometimes I don't know know how you cope with him" I smiled sadly and looked down at my hands. "I don't ,not anymore.". Amy smiled sadly as she took my hand in hers. "You know what, let's have a girls night. Just you and me" I smiled sadly at her. "That is a very nice offer that I can not accept." "Why not?" "Amy, I need to get out of here. I need to live on my own for a while. I need... I need to get away from him." she squeezed my hand "I understand, but Cadence - you are jut a kid. You can't go living on your own." I smiled at her. "I have to Amy - I know I will be alright. Even though I'm only fifteen I am still a timelord. In my mind I am more than dubble my age in human years. Amy, I will be fine - but you have to promise me to be fine too." She looked at me and smiled reassuringly. "I promise you Cadence - Rory and I will be here next time you come here. We will meet again." I did what I thought I would never do - I hugged her - and she hugged me back. Amy was like the sister I never had. "At least let me borrow you some clothes? We gingers have to stay together." I started chuckling in to the croak of her neck. "Thank you Amy, how can I ever repay you?" "Don't be stupid, you don't have to." I smiled and hugged her a little bit tighter. "Thank you.".

One Hour Later

Amy had picked out a red flannel for me and a pair of jeans. My nails where painted in a metallic, almost gold like color and I where also wearing a pair of grey converse along with a jean jacket. I looked up at her "Thank you Amy." she hugged me once more "oh come here. Now don't forget to text me every now and then, or even call." I smiled. "I promise that you will hear from me. Now would it be rude for me to ask you for one more favor?" we seperated. "No, of course not! Now what do you need?" "Could you keep him out of the controlle-room for five minutes so that I can take the TARDIS to earth? I know how to land her without al of the rumbling and wheezing - he just didn't pass his drivers test so he kinda free-bases." Amy and I chuckled along together. "I promise."

I sneaked out in to the controlle-room and started flipping the switches. Amy had taken the Doctor to the library to talk to him about what had happened. Then we where of and before I knew it we where in London, 2007. I knew that I had to be here since this was the year my mother got stuck in another universe. (I actually don't know which year it was so please bear with me!). I opened the doors to see the Torchwood tower. It was time - it was time for me to make sure that I would never know my mother.

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