Prime minister Master

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Wendys pov

The Doctors grin grew wide as he stood up and grabbed my hand. I placed my small, thin hand in his as he helped me up and started running around the console. "What can I do to help Doctor?" He looked up at me for a moment. "Ehm, if you would pull that leaver and press that button it would be great." I smiled and nodded at him as I did what I was told. I looked at the Doctor as his grin grew wide when he said "Allonsy-y!" I smiled a genuine smile and held on to the railing with al my strength. Martha and Jack came tumbling down the hallway in to the console room. "What is going on?" said Martha while trying to stay on her feet. "We are going on an adventure" said the Doctor as he smiled and looked at Martha, then Jack and last but not least - me.

The TARDIS came to a jolt as we stopped and the Doctor checked the scanner. His face turned from happy to confused in a heart beat. "What? Not now, not again." said the Doctor looking a little bit irritated. "Doctor what is it?" said Martha before I could even say a word. "We're in London, we're a couple of months away from when we left." "But why here?" said Jack. "I don't know." said the Doctor looking confused before his eyes drifted to me and we both grinned like mad men/women. "An adventure" I said while looked at the Doctor excitedly. His grin grew wider than I thought was possible as he opened the TARDIS door.

"Ah, earth! I always loved this place. Now what is the problem with it?". Martha, Jack and I stepped out of the TARDIS. We were right behind him but he seemed to be in a different world. It was like he was like he was trying to investigate like Sherlock Holmes. "But this is where I live" said Martha who'm stood next to me with a confused expression on my face. "Why would the TARDIS take us to where I live? Out of all the places she could go - she took us to my home." "Well, for the moment that is a question without any answer. Well, won't you welcome us to your home?" the Doctor said - now looking at Martha. "Ehm, sure. Come in I guess?" The doctor grinned as he walked towards Marthas flat. He soniced the door nonchalantly and walked right in to her flat.

"Nice place, nice place. Loads of... Laundry." said the Doctor as he pointes at a pair of underwear that Martha hade hung over a laundy-hangning thingy. Martha looked embarrased and offended at the same time. I think I am going to grow to like this Martha.

Three hours later

I was currently laying on Martha's bed with a ball in my hand that I kept shooting at the ceiling and catching. Shooting and catchin, shooting and catching. The TV was on in the corner of the room bu the sound was of. The Doctor hade hacked in to Marthas computer (plus he was wearing his 'smarty specks'. ) and jack was simply pacing around the room.

"This is outrageously booring." the Doctor looked at me and mouthed a 'I know'.

"So let's do something while waiting for this important news thing to begin. Wendy - how do you know the Doctor?".

I looked at the Doctor then at Jack. I placed the ball on the foot of the bed and sat up. I leaned my back against the wall and took the ball in my hands once again as I started playing with it and tossing it in the air.

"Well, he found me when I was alone and he helped me - does it need more saying than that Doctor?",I said as I turned my gaze towards the Doctor.

"I guess not.", was al he said while giving me a reasuring look before turning to the computer once more.

"What about you?" I said as I turned to Jack once more.

"Well, I met him during the London Blits." My lips curved in to a 'O' shape. "Okay, my turn." said Martha as she sat down on a stool in the corner of the room. "How old are you?" I looked at her and answerd simply "fourteen, why?" she looked a bit taken back.

Escaping the ordinary (a Doctor Who daughter-story)Where stories live. Discover now